Emmanuel Katto from Dubai : Help Needed with Dispensing Drugs in OpenEMR 6.1 and 7.0

Hi everyone,
I’m Emmanuel Katto from Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), I’ve recently completed an installation of OpenEMR 6.1.0, but I’m facing an issue when trying to dispense drugs in the pharmacy module. After setting up the pharmacy, I input the drugs and lot numbers, but when attempting to dispense, I get the error:

“Internal error: the referenced encounter no longer exists. 1 0”

I tried installing the latest patch for 6.1.0 (1), but the error persists. Oddly, the training platform I set up with OpenEMR 6.0.0 dispenses drugs just fine without any issues. To troubleshoot, I also upgraded to OpenEMR 7.0.0 and installed the first patch, but now I’m facing a new problem:

The Vitals form only displays Blood Pressure after entry, and other fields do not show up in the summary.
I’m not sure if I’m missing something in the configuration or setup. Below are the details of my environment:

OpenEMR Version: 6.1.0 (and tested on 7.0.0)
PHP Version: 7.4.30
Browser: Chrome
Operating System: Ubuntu 18 (Server)
Questions for the Group:
Encounter Error (Dispensing Issue):

Has anyone else encountered the “Internal error: the referenced encounter no longer exists” error when dispensing drugs in OpenEMR? What steps did you take to resolve it?
Training vs. Production Environment:

Since the training platform with OpenEMR 6.0.0 works fine, but the production platform with 6.1.0 doesn’t, are there specific configuration differences I should be looking at? Could this be an environment issue?
Vitals Form Display Issue:

After upgrading to OpenEMR 7.0.0, the Vitals form is only showing blood pressure. Has anyone experienced similar issues? What can I do to get all the fields displaying correctly in the summary?
Logs & Debugging:

I’ve checked the logs, but didn’t see anything too relevant. Does anyone have tips for enabling more detailed debugging (e.g., User Debugging under Administration->Globals) that could help identify what’s going wrong?
Possible Fixes or Workarounds:

Any recommendations on potential fixes or workarounds for the drug dispensing issue and Vitals form display issue in the latest OpenEMR versions?
I’d really appreciate any suggestions or insights you all might have! Thanks in advance!

Emmanuel Katto

I am using 7.0.2 Patch 2 and I have all vitals