Hi everyone,
I’m Emmanuel Katto from Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), I’ve successfully installed OpenEMR using XAMPP on an AWS Windows instance. I can access OpenEMR locally via localhost
, but I’m trying to figure out how to access it from the internet.
So far, I’ve made sure that:
- My AWS security group allows inbound traffic on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS).
- XAMPP and OpenEMR are configured correctly, and I can access OpenEMR from
However, I’m not sure if there are any additional steps required to make OpenEMR accessible over the internet. Do I need to make any changes in Apache or XAMPP configurations to allow external access, or is it purely a matter of networking/ports?
I’d really appreciate any suggestions or guidance on:
- Any configuration changes needed in Apache to enable external access.
- Any additional network or firewall settings in AWS that I might be missing.
- Whether there are any security concerns I should be aware of when exposing OpenEMR to the internet.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Emmanuel Katto