Have the latest 6.x w P3 running on a debian box. All is working well except for email which is partially working. It seems all the wiki links and docs are years outdated on how to setup notifications/email so apologies for the question.
I’ve got the smtp setup working and openemr will send an email when I create portal credentials. That’s all good.
I need help with 2 things:
where are the email templates to edit? The default email for portal credentials has wrong punctuation and I need to edit it. Where is that email template (and other email templates) edited at?
want to get scheduling/calendar notifications setup aka 36 hours prior to an appt. send through a notification email. Old docs reference modules/sms_email_reminder/cron_email_notification.php which I see that php and can execute it BUT the db returns 0 results. It seems it hasn’t been updated in a long time and I suspect it is out of date. Is this still the right way to do notifications??? If so, does somebody have tricks to making that php work?
Anything else I should know relative to email setup?
No templates, hardcoded at interface/patient_file/summary/create_portallogin.php around L-89
You need to ensure e-mail is authorized in the patient demographics under choices. Same for SMS.
Also be sure the trusted e-mail is populated for your patients especially if using direct which appears you’re using SMTP.
For reference: where are the other email “templates”/php files that openemr sends out?
RE: #2… still getting 0 results returned for patients when there is a future appointment scheduled. Are you referencing the “Allow Email” field - that is what needs to be yes or did I miss another authorization email field?
Is this screenshot a real-word patient? if so, please submit a screenshot that places a solid-color bar over the entire patient name as the current obfuscation does not adequately protect the patient name.
Hi @luisuriarte - which problem are you referencing?
We got smtp mail setup and working correctly with sendgrid and I got the new patient portal email updated (new formatting, new content, etc.). Is that what you are referencing?
We did not figure out the patient advance notice emails - still returns 0 results in the php and I can’t figure out what field it is referencing for Allow Email.
Sorry for not explaining well and sorry for my English. In my case the notification of credentials of the patient portal works very well (with the smtp of my local isp). But I can’t get you to send advance notifications about appointments.