was testing out the email function of the cronjob and the batch com. My Mercury mail is absolutely perfect as i can successfully send email from the patient reminders to the email addresses of the patient through mercury mail. when it comes to cronjob, the cronjob works well and identifies that there is an appointment in the next 24 hours but it fails to send any mail to the patient through mercury mail. same is the fact with batchcom.
in the cronjoblog, it shows that mail was sent successfully but no mail actually appeared in the inbox or the spam folder too.
Thanks MD Support…
Can you please elaborate the 2nd point…i dont know how to do it…
Regarding other php script…i will try out and post it here…
The cron thing was working fine even after the attachment fix by you…i must say it got better. Suddenly it stopped working…dont know why!
Just tested sending mail from a php script ther than openemr. It doesnt send it…there is big problem somewhere…but it sends the emails from the patient reminder tab when i click the process and send reminder button…what is happening??