fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 02, 2013:
Hi Henry,
It would be too easy if the appliance accepted the 3 .sql files without any fuss. We have to keep telling ourselves: anything worth doing is usually tough.
Going off call is a luxury that you will relish when you get there.
Just now imported the files into the 4.1.1 Demo, to prove to myself that it was not a lucky fluke. Everything is there. I think that Kevin told me that the Demo was built with Linux, therefore the files should have imported into your appliance.
Very happy to hear that you have a good backup.
Not knowing the specifics of “1046 - no database selected”, it appears that the import got only to copying the table structure for layout_options but stalled before "Dumping data for table layout_options
". It’s probably something simple that is not being clicked which is preventing the insertion of the rest of the scripts. That’s what makes it frustrating.
I have never worked with an appliance (used only Windows XP & 7), therefore I have no idea how it works. It will be a while before Brady parachutes in. Kevin is hard at work on the new CMS 1500 form and he’s not been posting much lately.
In the meantime, copy the layouts for the 8 forms on paper. Using a straight edge or ruler to help guide you, copy the layout for each form into your appliance. It gets very monotonous doing this way and very easy to lose your place; therefore paper and ruler will keep you on track. If you find doing this electronically, better yet.
Copying the layouts manually can be done in chunks throughout the day. Remember to save the layout before exiting out of the Editor. You can always pick up where you’ve left off.
The layouts are in the Wiki article and the 4.1.1 Demo as well. Redundancy is good thing to have.
Let’s reserve the NT form for later because of its greater complexity. Once you get the hang of the 8 forms, we can go back to doing non-typist forms. At that point you can decide which type of forms is better suited to your practice.
I will revisit the business of old list deletion - form preservation later.
You need to get some sort of form in place before too long. Trying to get everything done, all at once; may mean getting nothing done at all.