mmfsystems wrote on Friday, January 06, 2012:
Title: Eligibility verification EDI 270/271
Provided by:
MMF - Internal Issue Management System Bug ID: bug#151
The eligibility verification batch inquiry feature allows sending patients information to X12 partner system
to check for insurance validity/verification for multiple patients at a time.
The EDI-271 response file from X12 partner system is uploaded in the application which extract patient’s insurance data and stored in the data base.
Steps to Create EDI-270 batch file:
1. Log into application.
2. Select Reports->Eligibility.
3. Select a date range from the “Report - Eligibility 270 Inquiry Batch” page.
4. Click on Refresh button to get list of patient’s.
5. Click on “Create batch” button to create a batch file to send to x12 partner’s site.
Steps to upload EDI-271 response file:
1. Log into application.
2. Select Reports->Eligibility Response.
3. Click on “Browse” button to select the EDI-271 response file from x-12 partner.
4. Click on “Upload” button to upload the response data.
5. Verify the Insurance Information should be displayed in the patient’s demographic section and Create visit page.
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Suggestions and reviews are welcome from the community.
Sudarshan Phule
MMF Systems Inc.