Hello. Please, I am looking for information on electronic prescription in the USA. Is there someone to use ?. It works well?. What is your best option with OEMR?
Thank you.
There two to select from in the program.
Thanks for responding Sherwin. I was wondering if anyone has experience, how is it going, and what script to use
Hi @luisuriarte -
The three eRx options discussed on the page Sherwin linked to are the only ones with greater or lesser degrees of integration with OpenEMR. Sherwin wrote the sections on weno and evidently Allscripts; I wrote the NewCrop content.
Any number of eRx solutions are available on the market but they tend to be stand- alone applications that do not directly coordinate with OpenEMR. For example, one may need to manually enter duplicate prescriptions in the eRx application and also OpenEMR, or duplicate patient demographics.
Sherwin has experience supporting weno ( and Allscripts?) and I have been supporting NewCrop on OpenEMR for several years.
If you read the comparisons on the ‘ePrescribe’ page you may get enough of an idea of the applications’ capabilities to decide which is right for you. I have no experience with Allscripts but I do know that three aspects of the applications are quite different between NewCrop and weno: their target users, their fee structures and their eRx workflows.
Speaking for my experience supporting NewCrop, it is deployed in practices that vary in size from one to a few dozens of providers. It provides Electronic Prescription of Controlled Substances. It is completely integrated into OpenEMR to the point that it takes over all eRx operations from OpenEMR. The fees charged for NewCrop subscriptions will vary by the vendor- my company is not the only one who supports it for OpenEMR.
Hope that is helpful; please feel free to ask any questions that may occur to you.
Best- Harley
Thank you very much for answering @htuck . I am looking for some alternative. I have already tried Weno and would like to see other options. I did not find information about Allscripts. Please, could you send me information about NewCrop to luis.uriarte@gmail.com about how is the integration and prices ?.
Thank you.