Drug search related bug Fix

mmfsystems wrote on Friday, January 06, 2012:

Title: Drug search related bug Fix

Provided by: http://www.mmfemr.com:

MMF - Internal Issue Management System Bug ID: bug#228

Title: Drug search related bug Fix

Description: One file that is changed for 3.1.0,In add prescription form click ‘Lookup Drug’ brings up a pop-up window enter data
in the search text field and clicking search if result found the user can select otherwise show message result not found.

Content of attachment library/classes/RXList.class

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Log into application.
2. Select a patient and click on Patient/Client->Medical Records-> Rx link.
3. Click on Add Prescription button .
4. Click on “Drug Look up” button.
5. Enter any character and click on search.

SourceForge Tracker Link: [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2928203&group_id=60081&atid=493003](http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2928203&group_id=60081&atid=493003\)

Code Contribution Location/ GitHub Branch Link:
This is not applicable as this was contributed as a patch in earlier version

Suggestions and reviews are welcome from the community.

Sudarshan Phule
MMF Systems Inc.