Downloading the system

Good morning everyone. I am new here. I have been trying for a couple of days to download the program to my computer. I have watched youtube videos and I still have had no luck. Can someone please help point me in the right direction? It tells me that I need to go to localhost/openemr but when I do that nothing comes up. I am anything but a computer guru so I am sure I am doing something wrong. I am looking forward to using this program in my office just getting frustrated trying to get it set up.
Thank you

hi jessica
and a big welcome to the OpenEMR community.

could you describe exactly what you have done so far, and when you say ‘it tells me…’ could you explain what ‘it’ is, i.e. which directions are you following. Also which operating system are you using? I use linux, so may not be able to help!

Hi @Jlburkelsw
To add to what @ruth says, did you refer to the download / installation instructions here?

I haven’t installed OpenEMR in years; Ruth knows much more about that than I. But as she says, it would be good to start with knowing which version you are trying to install?
Best- Harley