Download for Macbook?

Hey i’m trying to download openEMR on a macbook and just not sure how to find the download file. I’ve got it working for windows but not mac.
Any help would be awesome!

All I can tell you is that I installed and am running OpenEMR on an M1 MacBook Air without problems. I downloaded and followed the installation instructions for Linux openemr-7.0.0.tar.gz (subsequently applied Patch 1) to the letter. Currently running PHP 8.0, which I believe came stock with the computer however I had been messing with alternative versions of PHP installed with brew and really can’t remember where my specific version came from.

Hey there ajaymedic,

I wanted to share a quick step-by-step guide on how to install OpenEMR on your Apple M1 Mac using Docker. Docker provides a convenient way to run applications in containers, ensuring a smooth and consistent setup.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Install Docker for Apple M1

  • Head over to the official Docker website for macOS and download the Docker Desktop designed for Apple Silicon: Docker for Apple M1.
  • Follow the installation instructions to set up Docker Desktop on your Mac.

Step 2: Run Docker Desktop

  • Once Docker Desktop is installed, launch it from your Applications folder.

Step 3: Open Terminal

  • Open the Terminal application on your M1 Mac. You’ll use this to interact with Docker.

Step 4: Pull the OpenEMR Docker Image

  • Use the following command in the Terminal to pull the official OpenEMR Docker image from Docker Hub:
docker pull openemr/openemr

Step 5: Create a Docker Compose YAML file

  • Create a docker-compose.yml file using a text editor like nano or vim. Paste the following content into the file:
version: '3'
    image: openemr/openemr
      - "8080:80"
      - MYSQL_HOST=db
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASS=root_password
      - MYSQL_USER=openemr
      - MYSQL_PASS=openemr_password
      - db
    image: mysql:8.1
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_password
      - MYSQL_USER=openemr
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=openemr_password
      - MYSQL_DATABASE=openemr

Save the docker-compose.yml file.

Step 6: Start the OpenEMR Container

  • In the Terminal, navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file.
  • Run this command to start the OpenEMR container:
docker-compose up -d

This will download and start the OpenEMR container in detached mode.

Step 7: Access OpenEMR

  • Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8080. You’ll find the OpenEMR login page.

Step 8: Log in to OpenEMR

  • Use the default login credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: pass

Step 9: Configure OpenEMR

  • Follow the setup and configuration process within OpenEMR to customize it according to your requirements. For detailed configuration information, consult the official OpenEMR documentation.

That’s it! You’ve successfully installed OpenEMR on your Apple M1 Mac using Docker. You can manage the container using Docker Compose commands as needed.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions or encounter any issues during the installation process.

hi @Thepherm

I’ve done what you said, however it doesnt seem to have worked. (http://localhost:8080/ won’t load)
I’ve pasted the error messages below:

when i write:docker-compose up -d
I get: no configuration file provided: not found

when i try to run the containers or image i get: Error: (HTTP code 400) unexpected - failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: “./”: permission denied: unknown

Not sure if i’m doing something wrong so if you have any ideas that’d be awesome!


Hi @ajaymedic,

It looks like you’re encountering some issues with your OpenEMR Docker installation on your Apple M1 Mac. Let’s troubleshoot the problems you’ve mentioned:

  1. "no configuration file provided: not found":
  • This error suggests that Docker Compose is unable to find the docker-compose.yml configuration file. Ensure that you are in the correct directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located before running the docker-compose up -d command. You might need to navigate to the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located using the cd command.
  1. "permission denied: unknown":
  • This error typically occurs when Docker cannot execute the necessary scripts or commands within the container. To resolve this, try the following:
    • Make sure you have the necessary permissions to run Docker. Ensure you are running the docker-compose up -d command with appropriate permissions (e.g., use sudo if required).
    • Ensure that you have not made any unintended changes to the OpenEMR Docker image or container. If you modified any files inside the container, it might lead to permission issues.
    • Verify that Docker Desktop on your Mac M1 has the necessary permissions to access files and resources.

You can also try running the docker run command directly to bypass docker-compose temporally to verify everything is working correctly.

For the OpenEMR service:

docker run -d \
  -p 8080:80 \
  --env MYSQL_HOST=db \
  --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASS=root_password \
  --env MYSQL_USER=openemr \
  --env MYSQL_PASS=openemr_password \
  --name openemr-container \
  --network="bridge" \

For the MySQL service:

docker run -d \
  --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_password \
  --env MYSQL_USER=openemr \
  --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=openemr_password \
  --env MYSQL_DATABASE=openemr \
  --name db-container \
  --network="bridge" \

If you’ve followed all the steps correctly and are still encountering issues, please provide additional details about your system configuration and any other error messages you receive. This information will help in diagnosing the problem more accurately.