Does the openemr produce sound when there is a message?

calvince wrote on Monday, February 06, 2017:

Hi all,

again am requesting to know if there is a way that when a networked computers using openemr, produces sound whenever a message is sent to a different user? if yes, please let me know how to do this be i really need the sound whenever i send a message to another user.


visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, February 07, 2017:


Currently OpenEMR is not supporting sound notifications whenever a message is received from any user.

You can enable this sound alerts if we do code customization in openemr.


calvince wrote on Tuesday, February 07, 2017:

and how do i change $ into another different currency


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, February 08, 2017:

Hi Calvince,

Can be set here:
Administration->Locale->Currency Designator

The above should get most places. Additionally, can also set the translation of $ to your currency sign in Administration->Other->Language


calvince wrote on Tuesday, February 14, 2017:

Hi Brady,

i got it and its working…thank you