
gutiersa wrote on Wednesday, September 07, 2011:

freebsd 7.1
openemr 4

my documents are not uploading from admin-practice-documents. I get no error message, I already modify .htaccess to allow all and deny all, and it did not work

my document folder is located outside the openemr folder. they are in an external hard drive. I made a change to to one of the files that refers to …/openemr/documents. pointing it to the correct folder.

any other ideas?

BTW openerm4 rocks

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 08, 2011:


Ensure you check the php error log for any errors and ensure you have write privileges on the directory. Also wonder if it’s that easy to separate the documents directory like you’ve done. Recommend looking through controllers/C_Document.class.php script to ensure you’ve changed all the paths that are needed. Also recommend doing a grep through the entire source code for ‘/documents’ and ‘documents/’ (simply documents may get a lot of hits) to look for other places that may need changing. If you do this systematically, and incorporate following two globals:
Then could place this into the Administration->Globals settings for other users to benefit.


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 08, 2011:

Also, note that the .htaccess file should be set to deny all and/or this should be set in your apache config, because this ensures others don’t try to look at the patients documents by typing the path directly into the web browser (can do this without even logging into OpenEMR).

gutiersa wrote on Thursday, September 08, 2011:


Yes my .htaccess file is back to normal, but I also have the appropriate lines in my apache config file.

I have had a different place for my documents since I started using openemr in 2007.

Reviewing the files above I notice that the absolute pathway to documents folder  in includes/config.php is not getting used at all. Now many things are directed to the sites folder now including some config files.

Reviewing the files above. only



$GLOBALS . ‘/documents/’ .

changing to absolute customized path can’t really be done by replacing the line above. Also it would be too many lines to change, and functions would not work (course this is just what I think)

I wonder if I could just replace C_Document.class.php with my old one.


jojohit wrote on Thursday, September 08, 2011:

Instead, why don’t you create a symlink (linux) from the “openemr” documents directory to the external directory. Isn’t the directory tree that apache can see only limited from its parent to its own child and non-external ?


gutiersa wrote on Friday, September 09, 2011:

thanks a lot for your reply

now I have a link in …/sites/default

that reads:

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel …documents -> /actual_location

but did not work.

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, September 13, 2011:

Please help:

I have figured out that the problem with uploading documents from admin-practice-documents, is that the the new “upload files” button does not work same as the old “update files” from openemr3.2.0.

I have reviewed the templates-documents-general_queue.html, i see the changes, but can’t get any further.

I would appreciate any help on how to fix this problem. My practice uploads documents strictly from the admin-practice-documents utility. Documents are piling up. …Please help

ty dr. g

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, September 13, 2011:

Actually it is a problem with the new  templates-documents-general_queue.html file. I replaced it with my old one and now I can upload my documents from the queue.

Unfortunately I can no longer see categories under practice settings. well I shall work on it tomorrow

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, September 13, 2011:

What does the Adminstration->Practice->documents->‘Update Files’ do?

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, September 13, 2011:

It is a great tool. If somehow u can get your patient documents named starting with med record number and underscore (ie: xxxx_blah.pdf), and get them to your documents folder (ie your document repository); then when u click on the documents link in practice settings all the documents will show up with the mr # already processed. u can pick your category for each document, and upload.

It is a way to do mass uploading.

there have been times when I am short staffed and our scanning falls behind. We have uploaded up to 1,000 patient documents at a time.

I used to transfer the documents into the repository myself, but now:

My staff scans and names appropriately from her own windows computer directly into a folder the server (located at the only office where we see patients) via the network. She has a user in the server and the folder is located within her user home.

then via crontab , all the documents get transferred to the repository with root privileges. Crontab checks her home folder every 5 min. and moves whatever documents are there to the repository, then at the end of day, or as needed. she goes to
admin-practice-documents and uploads everything.

LMK if u wanna try this.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, September 14, 2011:

Just to clarify, is the 'Update Files" feature now broken for users that are using the standard documents folder?

gutiersa wrote on Wednesday, September 14, 2011:

standard documents folder should work fine. the problem is if the documents are being uploaded via the queue in admin- practice-documents. Dunno which way others upload patient docs.

gutiersa wrote on Wednesday, September 14, 2011:


the symlinks did work, my problem was with the /openemr/templates/documents/general_queue.


gutiersa wrote on Wednesday, September 14, 2011:


this is sample of how i did the sym links at the command promt under root, in the server

ln -s /var/openemr/documents /usr/local/www/apache22/openemr/sites/default/documents

I did same for era and edi

gutiersa wrote on Monday, September 19, 2011:

I would appreciate it if someone points me toward fixing the broken queue link above.

ty sandra

bradymiller wrote on Monday, September 19, 2011:

Hi Sandra and others,
To clarify, is the queue link in standard versions of pre-4.1 working when using the standard documents directory?

gutiersa wrote on Monday, September 19, 2011:

ok lemme clarify, sorry that my explanation above is not very clear:

the following works fine:

go to patient chart->documents->click on desired category name (not on the + sign)-> browse for the desired document->click ‘upload’.

the following does not work:

placing documents in the openemr/<path to documents folder> (in the serve), then logging into openemr->admin->practice->documents (this opens the queue, see below)->click on ‘upload files’. Nothing happens, the documents do not get uploaded to patients charts.

the queue is the page that opens when: logging into openemr->admin->practice->documents (forgive me if I’m sounding too basic or redundant). It looks as follows:

at the top two buttons: ‘categories’   ‘upload’ (or something like that). then there is a header with the following titles:

Name        date         patient            category

in our practice what follows is the list of all the documents from /openemr/<path to documents folder> with their corresponding MR numbers and type of document(which has been named per set guidelines). We choose the category
for each document then click on “upload”. In version 3.2 this uploads all the documents into the appropriate patient chart and desired category. In version 4 nothing happens, the documents remain in the queue.

Hope this helps.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, September 20, 2011:


Sounds like a bad bug probably related to the change in directory structure in 4.0+(just guessing), because I don’t think many of us knew this feature actually existed. Please post this in the ‘Bug’ tracker here on sourceforge with a loud title like ‘BROKEN document queue’ or something like that. Would be good to paste your above message there along with a link to this forum thread. Guessing we won’t be able to get to this before the 4.1 release, but I’m guessing we should be able to get it fixed in a subsequent 4.1 patch.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, September 20, 2011:

I’m speaking for myself above. If anybody else want to investigate/fix this, then go for it. Would be a nice learning projects for the documents module. Also, there are pro’s, of course, that could fix this if it was vital.

gutiersa wrote on Tuesday, September 20, 2011:

well my work around was replacing the new  openerm-templates-documents-general_queue.html file with my old one and now I can upload my documents from the queue.
However, then I cannot edit categories. This is not a problem for me cuz all my categories hve been set already.
I will report as a bug
