Has anyone also noticed that when a portal document is signed and you can see the signature in the review? But when looking at the document in the patient’s chart. There is no signature. We have tested several documents in the portal view. The signature is there. But after accepting the document into the documents and the system converts the file to a PDF. The signature is no longer visible.
I fixed this and added Print instead of download from audit. I believe was in patch 2 plus there are some forum posts on this
@sjpadgett, we have patch 2 installed and the issue is still there. I did search the forum but was unable to find something. The only post close to this was from 2021. I hope that it is in the next patch @brady.miller the team releases. Thanks @sjpadgett!!
Turns out the fix was meant for patch 3 so will be in release however you can add attached hot patch on top of patch 2. Important, patch 2 must be installed so use at your risk!
Still this will be in v7.0.1
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