Docker-compose build vs image question

Can someone help me understand the yaml file… specifically these lines:

# use an image if you're not changing the build steps:
image: openemr/openemr:flex
# if editing the Dockerfile, clone the devops repo and point to the path:
#build: ../openemr-devops/docker/openemr/flex-edge/

I have my own repo and I set the path to it in the yaml file…

If I use the image as shown above will it check out MY repo? Or do I need to use the build option?


I was thinking about this wrong… I was confusing the Docker Container for the OpenEMR app in terms of the image vs build. Either way the OpenEMR app is still sourced from the git repo.

Hi @KyleNave ,
You shouldn’t ever need to build the docker (the flex docker is very flexible in terms of running code either from a public repo or from your local directory). What is your specific use case?

This is OBE - I just wasn’t understanding that this referred to the container and not the app code at first.

I’m pulling from my local fork and can confirm everything is working as needed.

My main issue now is just the SSL…then I have some capabilities I need to start working on.

In my previous OpenEMR installation I had a lot of billing rules built into the code to catch mistakes before claims were submitted and also to automate things like “If cptcode=XXX then set referring provider to a default user” (this is useful for labs which is very common in pain management billing and saves the billers several mouse clicks). I would like to re-implement these capabilities again in a way the community can benefit as well.