Is there a place to flag the emr that a patient is a DNR “Do not resusitate”.
I found where the DNR form can be uploaded, but I need a more visible way to flag the Pt’s DNR status.
I am sure if I have reached my question quota for the forum, but this is a very important question and should be relevant to anyone using this software.
There is not a automatic place for this, just the Advanced Directives tab which can be ‘expanded’ by default so the DNR is visible. I popup warning would be a good add on. just requires programming
If you turn on the Advanced Directives widget, then this nicely flags the patient’s code status information in the patient summary screen(at the top right). This feature can be turned on at Administration->Globals->Features->‘Advanced Directives Warning’ .
-brady OpenEMR
Note the Advanced Directives widget is integrated with the documents that you uploaded into Advanced Directive Documents sections.