Dlgclose undefined : Ubuntu error message

Having a problem on an Ubuntu server on AWS.
Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
PHP 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (cli) ( NTS )

I don’t get this error message on a windows server. Only on this Linux box.

Do I need to install java on the Linux server? If so, which flavor?

That’s a javascript error from closing a dlgopen. No java needed. Strange though as i’ve seen this setup run on at least three AWS multi-site config’s. Is this released 5.0.1 or a development version?

This is an older 5.0.1 dev.
It makes no sense because how can the dgl open but then fail to close client side?
Yes, I have tried different browsers and they all do the same. I was going to see if there is a diff in the dialog.js files to account for this on the Ubuntu server.

Because in this case dlgclose is called from a different script than dlgopen so include_opener.js is the source of the dialog/window close. Any script called by dlgopen legacy should include include_opener.js. This is not new and goes back to v5.0.0.

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@sjpadgett Thanks for the explination.

What I have done is changed out the dlgclose() to window.close() and that fixed most of my issue until I go to checkout the patient. When, I check out the patient. The window hangs again, see second image. Any suggestions with the new list of error messages?

Hi Sherwin It is almost as if dlgclose() is not available in include_opener.js! For grins try installing the latest dlgopen.js and include_opener.js from Master.

Thanks @sjpadgett I changed it out and I still get the same error message.

Hi @juggernautsei, this is resolved now, correct?

The instruction you gave me to change the Checkout from > to something else stopped the page from hanging. Since the page does not hang, there is no way for me to see if that dialog error still occurs. I think it does and it was not the primary issue. I was out jousting at windmills while you found the real issue. So I changed the Checkout to -> and the page acts as it normally suppose to do.

Thanks for asking. But I think if you peek under the hood. That error is still there. It just does not cause any problem on the surface.

I believe the > symbol has representative meaning and should not be changed but instead, need to find out why it is not escaped properly. The symbol works okay in versions i’ve tried, 5.0.1 and current master. All I can say is that dlgclose gets called otherwise dialog would not close. Also when the > character gets passed in POST on save, it somehow is written to html corrupting the dlgclose() being echo’ed to close the dialog.
Somewhere, those list options are escaped and I think in your version it is being missed.

I know it should be fixed but right now I don’t have the extra man power to throw at it. Maybe in the near future I can get back to it.

Paul Harvey: and now the rest of the story. @sjpadgett

I made a new feature that was called when the status was set to >. I forgot to move a function from dev to production server. I finally had time to wade through the code and find what was causing the code to hang.

Now it is fixed. Had nothing to do with the dlgclose or the >.

Now you know the rest of the story.