Disaster Recovery Site

dgold123 wrote on Friday, June 08, 2012:

Am I missing something or could I use the Appliance version as a Disaster Recovery version for the Ubuntu version?  If I backup the whole Directory and the DB, am I missing anything else?   If I transfer over the DB and Files, will it work as is?

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, June 09, 2012:


Lots of flexibility with the Appliance version(could function as a Disaster Recovery backup). You are correct on backups, which involve backing up the database and the web directory folder; and yes, if you transfer over the DB and files to another platform, it should work. In developing a backup/restore scheme, one of the most important things to do is to test it to make sure your backup/restore process is working.


dgold123 wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:

Thanks.  I noticed when I do a backup it gives me the site files and the DB.  Are there admin actions in the site that change the site files or is everything stored in the DB?  Basically, when would I restore the files in addition to the DB?  Thanks.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 12, 2012:


The best way to get an idea of what stuff is stored in the files and in the database is to look at the upgrade instructions for OpenEMR:
(so, will note several directories/files in openemr/sites/default that store things that need to be backup/restores; note that multisite mode can be used to use other user directories in openemr/sites besides default)
(and the database basically stores the rest of the information)

Probably best to consider the the full web directory and database to go hand in hand during backups/restore. Note it can get a bit more confusing if using multisite features:
(here you can essentially have multiple database running off one web directory; each installation is represented by a directory in openemr/sites)

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