Disable Reports/Clients/List from tree menu

octort wrote on Monday, February 07, 2011:

How can I disable from some users to print all patients from the database?
thanks in advance

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, February 08, 2011:


You need to customize the left navigation tree (left_nav.php). To disable report access for some users, just implement ACL check for that particular report. Obviously, you can control the display only based on the ‘user groups’ and not on ‘users’

Here, the validation of UserGroup and viewing of reports can be done with acl_checks() function and disallowed array

Hope this helps.

ViCarePlus Team,

octort wrote on Wednesday, February 09, 2011:

Basically, I want to disable 2 reports that appear to all users: Reports/Clients/List & Reports/Clients/Renewals.
List Clients Report it is default but Renewals I created it.
I should be using something like this on left_nav.php:
   $disallowed = !(acl_check(’???’, ‘???’) || acl_check(’???’, ‘???’) ||
  acl_check(’???t’, ‘???l’));


<?php if (acl_check(’???’, ‘???’)) genMiscLink(‘RTop’,’???’,‘0’,xl(’???’),’???/???.php’); ?>

not sure what to put in the question marks.

octort wrote on Wednesday, February 09, 2011:

Only Admin and Accounting need to see this 2 reports available.

octort wrote on Thursday, February 10, 2011:


I replaced this 2 lines in order to display the 2 options only to Accounts and Admin.

<?php if (acl_check(‘acct’, ‘rep_a’    )) genPopLink(xl(‘List’),‘patient_list.php’); ?>
<?php if (acl_check(‘acct’, ‘rep_a’    )) genPopLink(xl(‘Renewals’),‘patient_recom.php’); ?>

thanks for your help again!