Difficulty Editing/Creating Encounters

deschel wrote on Friday, February 24, 2012:

I recently installed OpenEMR on my Mac OS X computer.

It seems like most of the features work OK.  Initially, I tried to use Safari web browser, and I could not do a few things.  I switched to Firefox and most of the problems disappeared.  However, I am still having problems with creating/editing patient encounters.

I am able to create a patient, add Medical Problems, add Medications, etc.

When I click on Create visit on the left navigation bar, the New encounter form comes up.  I enter information into “Consultation Brief Description” and select a visit category.  Then, I click on save.  On the following screen “Patient Enounter by Administrator” is blank.  If I go to Clinical, Review of systems, I am able to add review of systems.  When I click save form, the review of systems displays on the encounter.  However, “Patient Encounter by Administrator” is still blank.  If I click on the left navigation bar and click on visit history, the “Reason/Form” that I initially entered into “Consultation Brief Description” is shown.  When I click on it to edit it, the “Patient Encounter by Administrator” is still blank.  When I did this on the demo website, this did not happen.  “Patient Encounter by Administrator” showed the information and was editable.

What could be wrong with my setup?
How could I go about debugging this?

Version of OpenEMR:
Openemr-4.1.0 (Patch 7)

My Server Software is:

PHP Version 5.3.6
Apache/2.2.20 (Unix)
MySQL Server version: 5.5.11
MySQL client version: mysqlnd 5.0.8

Mac OS X 10.6.8

Using web browser:
Firefox 10.0

I changed ownership to _www on the following directories:

The following settings are in the php.ini file:
short_open_tag = On
display_errors = Off
register_globals = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = On
max_execution_time set to at least 60
max_input_time set to at least 90
post_max_size set to at least 30M
memory_limit set to at least 128M
file_uploads = On


rickou812 wrote on Friday, February 24, 2012:

I am interested in the answer here as well.  I am having a similar issue.  4.1.0(7) on windows 2003 server, using IE9.

Have you registered CAMOS yet, if so, is it working? 

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, February 25, 2012:


For both of you, does turning off the logging fix your problems:
Toggle off:
Administration->Globals->Logging->‘Enable Audit Logging’


rickou812 wrote on Saturday, February 25, 2012:

I’ll give it a try Monday, off for the weekend.

deschel wrote on Saturday, February 25, 2012:

Yes, the fix worked!

How did you know this would work?

Is there a bug in Audit Logging?

What exactly does Audit Logging do?

Also, CAMOS is working for me too.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, February 25, 2012:


This is a nasty bug that has been showing up in users that have been using the more recent versions of XAMPP/WAMP in Windows (this is why the windows installation instructions suggest using specific versions of XAMPP). Note this has been fixed (at least we’re pretty sure) in the development version (involved marked changes that can’t be worked into a patch). I’d suggest installing the development version (considered to be relatively stable at this time and can be found on the download page under Unstable Development Release; would install it the same way you installed 4.1.0) in your case and then the logging engine should work without causing this nasty bug. Let us know if that fixes the bug.

To answer your questions, note Audit Logging pretty much logs every single sql query. There has been a bug in recent windows XAMPP/WAMP version that break things when doing sqlinserts, which we honestly have not been able to localize. However, Kevin did some serious revamping of the sql functions and upgraded the embedded adodb functions:
Here’s the thread discussing the bug:

Again, if you use the development version, please let us know if it works.
