deschel wrote on Friday, February 24, 2012:
I recently installed OpenEMR on my Mac OS X computer.
It seems like most of the features work OK. Initially, I tried to use Safari web browser, and I could not do a few things. I switched to Firefox and most of the problems disappeared. However, I am still having problems with creating/editing patient encounters.
I am able to create a patient, add Medical Problems, add Medications, etc.
When I click on Create visit on the left navigation bar, the New encounter form comes up. I enter information into “Consultation Brief Description” and select a visit category. Then, I click on save. On the following screen “Patient Enounter by Administrator” is blank. If I go to Clinical, Review of systems, I am able to add review of systems. When I click save form, the review of systems displays on the encounter. However, “Patient Encounter by Administrator” is still blank. If I click on the left navigation bar and click on visit history, the “Reason/Form” that I initially entered into “Consultation Brief Description” is shown. When I click on it to edit it, the “Patient Encounter by Administrator” is still blank. When I did this on the demo website, this did not happen. “Patient Encounter by Administrator” showed the information and was editable.
What could be wrong with my setup?
How could I go about debugging this?
Version of OpenEMR:
Openemr-4.1.0 (Patch 7)
My Server Software is:
PHP Version 5.3.6
Apache/2.2.20 (Unix)
MySQL Server version: 5.5.11
MySQL client version: mysqlnd 5.0.8
Mac OS X 10.6.8
Using web browser:
Firefox 10.0
I changed ownership to _www on the following directories:
The following settings are in the php.ini file:
short_open_tag = On
display_errors = Off
register_globals = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = On
max_execution_time set to at least 60
max_input_time set to at least 90
post_max_size set to at least 30M
memory_limit set to at least 128M
file_uploads = On