Different/Multiple Currency Payments

Hello, this is my first post in this forum and firstly I want to compliment the work done with OpenEMR. Despite not being my area of expertise, I act as the sysadmin of a small neuropsychology clinic in Venezuela and OpenEMR has helped us greatly.

Now, I would like to customize a few things related to the “Fee → Payment” page.

I would like to add the option for payments to be made in different currencies (i.e. dollars and venezuelan bolivars), either one or the other, or simultaneously in the same payment. Ideally while also including an exchange rate field to be filled at the time of payment.

We only need simple payment management support, no need to accommodate for insurance payments or strict standards or anything like that.
So far we’ve managed to make do by using the Reference Number field and splitting the data with a MySQL query later, but I would like to implement a more long-term solution to keep things tidy.

I have very little programming knowledge but I’m willing to take my time and learn as I familiarize myself with OpenEMR. If someone could point me in the right direction to approach this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Hello @SantiagoDPS -
Welcome to the OpenEMR community and its forum. It is a large and active community with a lot of helpful members.
However, what you ask sounds like a feature development project rather than a bug-fix or small tweak of the code. For something like that you’d probably do best to use one of the approaches detailed in this post:

If you have learned some php and have developed a code snippet that you think will meet the needs of your project you can always post that code here and ask for suggestions!
Good luck- Harley