aperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, December 12, 2007:
Is there any DICOM management functionality within OEMR? Can one upload a DICOM image into the patients record and then have a Java Based DICOM utility interpete it?
aperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, December 12, 2007:
Is there any DICOM management functionality within OEMR? Can one upload a DICOM image into the patients record and then have a Java Based DICOM utility interpete it?
penguin8r wrote on Wednesday, November 26, 2008:
Hmm, I hate to be the wanker that revives an old thread, but this is definitely a topic that will need to be addressed sooner or later.
We’ve been experimenting with IrfanView, K-PACS, ImageJ, various viewing softwares, the tricky part is how to store/retrieve them. Anyone else been working with this?
drbowen wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2008:
DICOM is a word that I had no idea what it meant two months ago. Now I am using a "CR" unit and I am now digital with my x-rays. Now, I am working through the word salad of a host of new acronyms: RIS, PACS, and DICOM for starters. I am already suffering the expensive, proprietary, MS Windows only, software that I hate so much. The vendor has yet to give me the administrative password to my own system and they have set up holes in my firewall without notifying me or asking my permission to do so.
My own database is at 58 gigabytes (mostly scanned images, no x-rays). As your data needs grow so most your database skills. I am burning with desire to have a PACS / RIS system that is both free and open source. There are already free or low cost open source systems available (PacsOne, K-PACS, OsiriX among others). Several use the popular Apache, MySQL, PHP platform that we already use. There is an excellent viewer OsiriX that runs on Mac OS X.
We have already been approached by radiology groups and cardiology groups who want to use OpenEMR for this purpose. I don’t think it would be necessary to store all images from all sources on one’s patients, but I definitely see a growing need for DICOM viewers (K-PACS), PACS image archival systems (PacsOne), and image scheduling (RIS) as more and more physicians convert over from silver to digital systems.
PacsOne is a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) application that is already functioning. The PacsOne developers use a BSD style license and are moving towards a for-profit business model. The BSD licensing is not compatible with the GPL.
I for one think that PACS is coming and that OpenEMR can have this as one of its roles.
Sam Bowen, MD
aperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, December 16, 2008:
Hi all
I believe that we should have a DICOM View and a some sort of way to point to (for example) PACSONE.
If we relate a OEMR patient record to a PACSONE record and we store the PACSONE connection info (IP, password, logon name, etc) we could use a GPL viewer to connect and pull the image just for viewing purposes. This way we are not storing the actual image within OEMR but just connecting to the PACSONE DB and viewing it.
Does this make any sense?
juggernautsei wrote on Monday, June 17, 2013:
did you guys get the DICOM working?
I have been approached by an anesthesiologist who has a C-ARM 9800 to integrate the DICOM images with OEMR. It would be great if you guy have crossed this bridge already.
Has anyone crossed this bridge yet?