Developing a simulated primary care clinic with OpenEMR... Suggestions for getting started

We’re looking to use OpenEMR in our graduate nurse practitioner courses to create the IT infrastructure for a simulated primary care clinic, incorporating simulated patient data and having students chart and [simulate] order meds & follow-up care… part of our Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) training using standardized patients (i.e., actors).

I’m sure we’re not the first ones with this idea, and I’m seeking wisdom from those with knowledge of setting up OpemEMR as a simulated clinical practice for MD/NP/PA/PharmD students.

Now that we’ve installed OpenEMR Cloud Express and have our faculty users setup as Attending Physicians/NewCrop Supervising Doctors and our students as Resident Physicians…

**Any recommendations on how/where to get started:

  1. bulk populating simulated patient data created by our faculty,
  2. obtaining & uploading publicly available simulated/practice/test patient data,
  3. how to batch update the dates for all simulated patient data/encounters each year (e.g., so that Mr. Jones DOB is incremented +1 yr each year so he’s always 21 years old and his last visit was on June 1, 20XX (where 20XX is whichever calendar year we’re currently in.); and,
  4. general references/contacts/resources of people who are currently & successfully using OpenEMR to do what we’re proposing to do? (Like I said, I’m sure this isn’t a new idea.)**

We’re equal parts excited and terrified to get going. Thanks in advance for helping us setup a workflow and avoid unnecessary wheel re-creation.

[And quick PS, since developing teaching tools isn’t the focus of this board… Several of our students each year go on to open up their own clinics, typically in under served communities… Part of us wanting to use OpenEMR here is to expose students to it so they may consider it as an option if/when they go into practice and hang up their own shingle. We & they appreciate your willingness to get us started off right.]

Rather than having faculty create records, look at SyntheticMass. They have 1000 patients with profiles matching 1000 MA residents.

Apart from collections of csv files, they also seem to have option of FHIR. Perhaps FHIR developers here can guide you thru pushing 1000 complete records without getting into database jungle.

Thank you for the reply and great suggestion and pointing me to SyntheticMass! I’m looking over the reference & citation and digesting it bit by bit. What an amazing resource.

And absolutely, yes, 1000%, help from a FHIR aficionado here who could lend a hand explaining the process of pushing the SyntheticMass records into our newly created instance of OpenEMR would be would be equally appreciated.

Hi @murphyp , try using the synthea easy development video to help you get up and running. It’s s already integrated into the dockers.

Thank you very much, @stephenwaite ! I checked out the Synthea video and full Easy Docker Development series that @brady.miller put together. And you’re right, that gets me 90% of the way to success. Super helpful.

At the risk of exposing my Michael Scott “Explain it to me like I’m 8… no 5 year old” ignorance… Once I follow the Easy Docker development/installation process on a local machine and generate the artificial patient data from Synthea and make any other code tweaks to the branch we plan to use, What is the easiest way to upload our instance of OpenEMR with the simulated patient data to AWS for web access?

Again, I’m sorry for such a basic question, but I’m missing a necessary step or two from the OpenEMR Installation Guides - OpenEMR Project Wiki instructions to connect the dots.

I followed the OpenEMR Express install and got that working, but my understanding is that you can’t use Easy Dockers to generate the Synthea patient data and upload that to the OpenEMR Express instance on EC2? (Or if so, would appreciate directions on how to.)

hi @murphyp , you can export the mariadb database on your dev machine and upload it to the cloud and then import it. It shouldn’t be too difficult for cloud express.

Could also create a capsule :slight_smile:
OpenEMR Easy Docker Development - Snapshots and Capsules - Video 4 - YouTube

And then can see here the steps required to restore your capsule within your openemr express install docker (note the openemr codebase versions that you use on the dev environment needs to be the same as the one on your openemr express install for this to work; so if your openemr express install is version 7.0.1 with patch 1, then need to go to v7_0_1_1 tag in your git repo before starting up the initial docker dev environment):

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Thank you again, @stephenwaite! And to you too @brady.miller!! Knowing what I’m trying to do is technically doable/easy enough if you have the dev skills is a huge help… now it’s just a matter of having the dev skills to do it :nerd_face:.

I’ll give it a go following the suggestions you made and then report back. I was able to follow your (@brady.miller’s) first awesome Easy Docker tutorial for setup on my local machine, so now it’s just adding the AWS/EC2/capsule element.

I’ll report back (hopefully with success :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:) later this week. Thank you both again!!