Developer Instructions Wiki Pages

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, December 19, 2009:


All developer instructions pages (including the architecture document) have now been updated and wikified in the [. The goal is to get all new developers to learn the programming ins/outs of OpenEMR as quickly as possible. We have the following pages:

-  (info for new developers)
-  (this is where to learn about coding principles that are required in OpenEMR, such as sessions and internationalization) (as new projects are started that require global coding changes in new code, such as the gui refactoring project, this is the place to put it)
-  (we migrated this file from the source, and it discusses the OpenEMR architecture) (underwent major overhaul for 3.1.0, but of course still more work to do)
-   (this is the place to place your active projects, status, etc.) (note the “Meaningful Use” and CCHIT projects pages will be )


Hope this is clear, and helps make things more efficient.


  :]([1].+The+goal+is+to+get+all+new+developers+to+learn+the+programming+ins%2Fouts+of+OpenEMR+as+quickly+as+possible.+We+have+the+following+pages%3A +-+[New+developers+page][2]+(info+for+new+developers) +-+[Development+Policies+page][3]+(this+is+where+to+learn+about+coding+principles+that+are+required+in+OpenEMR%2C+such+as+sessions+and+internationalization)+(as+new+projects+are+started+that+require+global+coding+changes+in+new+code%2C+such+as+the+gui+refactoring+project%2C+this+is+the+place+to+put+it) +-+[OpenEMR+Architecture+page][4]+(we+migrated+this+file+from+the+source%2C+and+it+discusses+the+OpenEMR+architecture)+(underwent+major+overhaul+for+3.1.0%2C+but+of+course+still+more+work+to+do) +-+[Active+Projects+page][5]++(this+is+the+place+to+place+your+active+projects%2C+status%2C+etc.)+(note+the+"Meaningful+Use"+and+CCHIT+projects+pages+will+be+[here+instead][6]) <br> Hope+this+is+clear%2C+and+helps+make+things+more+efficient. -brady ++[1]%3A+[url][%2Furl] ++[2]%3A+[url][%2Furl] ++[3]%3A+[url][%2Furl] ++[4]%3A+[url][%2Furl] ++[5]%3A+[url][%2Furl] ++[6]%3A+[url][%2Furl])

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, December 21, 2009:

Brady, thank you for this much-needed consolidation!


dear Brady,
those links are not valid anymore. Do you mind if you can share the right ones?

I am looking forward to a favorable reply from you. Thank you.

Hi @ebudiahr ,

See here for developer pages on the wiki:
