Detailed growth chart for babies?

simpleone81 wrote on Tuesday, November 26, 2013:


I did some research and found that there was an option in the Vitals form to plot growth chart for babies between 2-20. Do you know if there is any growth chart option available for babies less than 2 years old? For example, parents will bring their baby for two months well baby checkup, four months well baby checkup, etc… Can we plot a growth chart for the babies using the height/weight data we recorded during each visit? Since the data is stored in tables, in principle we should be able to do this. I am wondering if this is available today in openEMR?


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, November 26, 2013:

You’re in luck.

See charts for Jane Seymour, age 5 months, in the 4.1.1 Demo or in the 4.1.2 Demo. The age appropriate and gender specific charts will pop up automatically based on the child’s date of birth and sex.

Wow, there is even a chart for head circumference, which Pediatricians measure, as a matter of course, for all babies and chest/waist circumferences as well! All of this brings back memories.

OK, Baby Jane’s head circumference has been charted properly. It was not the browser, rather the user that caused the charting problem initially. If the value in inches is placed in the metric box; of course, it won’t chart because the poor baby would be microcephalic and non-viable.

blankev wrote on Tuesday, November 26, 2013:

GOTO (Version Demo 4.1.2):

Administration => Globals => Local => Change Years, Month Days in aage display format.

Next value is three, this could also be changed. It gives the ages in years/months and days till three years. Whenever you want value measured in years from age older than 1 or older than 2 change this field, if you want age measured in years and month’s from age 3 and higher leave next field as 3.

Pick a client, make the age less than three years and the Chart will read in Month’s. Make the client older than 4 years (could be 3) and the chart will show in Years.

And YES it uses the age chart: Birth to 24 months.

simpleone81 wrote on Wednesday, November 27, 2013:

Thanks guys. I will explore this out. Happy holidays!