Deprecated php functions

markleeds wrote on Wednesday, March 30, 2011:

I am setting up OpenEMR 4.0 on a friend’s Windows XP computer with XAMPP.  I first had to take out a bunch of &'s from statements like:
= & new

The next one that has come up so far is the split function is used in Controller.class.php in two places.  Instead of changing to preg_split, it appears that explode can be used in place of split with no problem.

1) How do we submit patches?
2) Do these patches get integrated into the next release?  I noticed that the first deprecated issue with =&new was patched in 3.2 but is still present in 4.0.

markleeds wrote on Wednesday, March 30, 2011:

Had to do the same thing for split in

I could not install CAMOS database due to an error.  Had to change:


mukoya wrote on Wednesday, March 30, 2011:

That must be XAMPP 1.7.4.

1.  Install XAMPP 1.7.3 instead.

2. Make sure to edit file PHP.ini as advised in installation instructions. You can then backup this file for future use (copy replace).

3. Make sure to restart Apache service after editing PHP.ini.

This worked on my windows 7 when I encountered such issues. Not tried on xp but should work.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, March 30, 2011:

  Welcome Back!   Code submission process has changed dramatically for the better.  Please see  for detailed instruction on the workflow and how to use for code review.

  PHP really needs to be cleaned of deprecated code, it’s time.  There is also a lot of old HTML 3 deprecated code.  We would appreciate your contributions.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, March 30, 2011:

Hi Mark,

So you don’t get overwhelmed by all the repository pages, the submission procedures can be found in the bottom half of the following wiki page: New_Developer_Information

There are basically two methods of submission, via a patch or via git.

Agree with Tony that code fixes to make code compliant with new versions of mysql and php would be very useful.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, March 30, 2011:

Try above link again:

cornfeed wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

some of those might not all be errors. &s are used sometimes to tell a function to modify the variable instead of using a new copy, for example.