deschel wrote on Monday, July 30, 2012:
You are going to force me to work with the existing framework, which I am not crazy about!
To re-do the interface while keeping the same customization functionality is too work intensive for me at this point.
Therefore, I will keep the current interface and improve it to support more sophisticated tables and relationships.
To keep the customization functionality and make it compatible with my new table structure, I will probably have to do the following changes to “Administration->Layouts”:
Disable the ability to make database changes via the layouts engine. Layouts should be for layouts.
Add another display column to the web page called “Table”, so that people can specify/see the source table the data that is displayed is coming from. This should have been part of the initial design.
For example, I think that it is crazy that for layout called “Demographics” there is nothing that specifies that the source table is “patient_data”.
I also think it is crazy that any one can type anything into “ID”. What happens if there is no column name that corresponds to “ID”? Why even allow this? If “ID” should correspond to a table field, you need to only allow the person to select the table field.
Change the name of the display column called “ID” to represent what it really is: “Table Field Name”. (Unless I am wrong about what “ID” actually represents. Please let me know either way, if I am right or wrong.)
By doing changes 1 & 2, one “Group” will support displaying data from multiple tables. And, these tables will be clear to the user.
Since “Table” and “Table Field Name” have to refer to already existing tables, they should be drop down menus, rather than text boxes.
Add another functionality called “SubGroup”, so that one to many table relationships can be supported and their display can be customized.
The subgroup will represent the table with the many relationship.
The subgroup would be displayed as a repeater within the group, in order to display a list.
The subgroup would be referenced in the group by adding a selection under data type called “Subgroup”.
If subgroup is selected then “Table Field” will be made blank, ?or be changed to a drop down menu of subroups?
Subgroups should probably be listed on the same webpage as groups.
Should they be listed just below the group that they apply to or at the very bottom of the page?
I expect a strong reaction to my suggestions.
I feel that they are well thought out and necessary. However, I do expect resistance to change and improvement.
Unfortunately, I feel that to be able to use my Demographic Table Improvements, these changes are the only way to do it. The only other way would be to throw out using layouts to display demographics.
If you disagree with my changes, give me a better route with strong justification and rationale.
David Eschelbacher MD