blankev wrote on Wednesday, August 19, 2009:
"How we could improve on the demonstration of the Demo versions."
In the past we had problems to login with a different language and nobody who did not make/use their own OpenEMR version was able to SEE what OpenEMR could do in a different Language. From Demo version 3.1.0 this is different …
With the latest improvements at login-screen (and without any problem) we have the choice of language!
Thinking of this improvement, we can use this improvement and make a better show and improve on what OpenEMR has to offer. Many more choices of with/without before or just after login could improve the show of what OpenEMR is worth.
So subjects like how to use/import ICD9 or ICD10 codes with or without CPT4 values, could be in there from the start and could handle many self explaining questions. Same for DEA print on recipe, what is the difference between CAMOS and other parts of OpenEMR. With CAMOS It is possible to use it in OpenEMR but does not seem to make things easier to understand OpenEMR and this might be the reason it is not implemented as default.
Also, we should make the Demo versions more filled with more choices (Why only California if is easy to add Florida, New York etc. Start the MySQL database with more filled tables and multiple choices as mentioned before able to use from the Login screen. If you want, you can make a start "with or without". Like this or that. Or with default… IPPF, Athletics, Drug selling, etc.
On the Demo site it would be great to start with some Mock Facilities, Users, Clients and some definite histories of mack patients, and these should be always automatic included when Demo is renewed. Even some input over time on different dates would help to get a really good impression of what OpenEMR is capable to do.
Some of it could be taken from the Demo version 3.0.1since within 3.0.1 there is no administration part and seems to be filled with lot of old historic data.
Yes Rod, Yes Brady, Yes Tony, Ok Sam you as practitioner might have known the same for some time, I know this might give rise to new programming headaches and other complaints, but once the possibilities are shown in the Demo versions, one can SEE what could be done and see if something is worthwhile the effort to further explore.
And selling the product for developers is just a "have a look and be convinced" thing.
Some clean-up is in order like:
In immunizations and Exams/Tests for in Medicine there should not be a double place do the same immunizations.
Translations have other problems to be met: (Dutch translation) From this date “to” that date and this letter is send from me “to” you, “TO” can’t be translated in Dutch with one word and should have the possibility to be translated since it loks stupid to se the wrong word on the wrong place. One of the two “TO”'s has to be changed in a different word in English to solve this problem.
These suggestions could, but don’t have to be implemented in the next Major release but could give the Demo versions a more serious impression for the prospect USERS.