innocuous wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2005:
How do I delete a patient using openemr?
Where do we enter the patient date of birth?
innocuous wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2005:
How do I delete a patient using openemr?
Where do we enter the patient date of birth?
innocuous wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2005:
So stupid of me, demographics has DOB, I wanted to ask how do we change the date format to DD/MM/YYYY throughout the openemr installation?
nahoj1976 wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2005:
Today: Not possible.
In future when adding language support: I add this function at the same time.
In the current version it is hard-coded in the code but it will be defined through a variable in the future.
I wait for feed-back if I am on the right track so far. Until I get it I take a pause.
sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2005:
Actually DD/MM/YYYY input format is already supported, mostly. This was one of my recent updates to CVS.
Set$GLOBALS[‘phone_country_code’] in globals.php to your country’s telephone code (e.g. ‘44’ for UK), or anything other than ‘1’, and then in most places an input date of xx/xx/xxxx will be interpreted as dd/mm/yyyy. This is supported in most of the code, but not everywhere.
This is only about data entry. Dates generated for display are usually yyyy-mm-dd.
– Rod (
nahoj1976 wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2005:
I didn’t know that. I can’t check it right now but I will do it when I get back to my server.
What I added was local variables on all the places where I only found hard-coded date-formats (Mostly when I want the date in the form 25 jan 2005 instead of Jan 25, 2005).
Where do you define the different formats for date, etc that connects to the country-phone-codes?
innocuous wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2005:
How do we delete an existing patient? (incase of duplicate entries due to human error)
drbowen wrote on Tuesday, October 04, 2005:
If you or one you trust with the possible deletion of your entire database want to delete a patient entry:
Administration ->
Database reporting ->
patient_data -> (this is the left frame)
SQL (tab on right panel)
enter the following:
DELETE FROM `patient_data` WHERE pid=123456789;
(or what ever your real patient pid is) and click on GO.
The pid of the patient is visible in most of the URLs in the browser navigation text box.
This unreversible so you better be sure.
I would recommend checking the EMR of patient pid that you want to delete. Generally, if there are two pids for one patient, some eager staff member has already entered data into both records and you should first merge the data into one record.
I do this by going into each table and executing the following SQL command:
UPDATE table_name SET pid=‘desired_pid’ where pid=‘the_pid_you_want_to_be_rid_of’;
for instance if one patient has two pids: 102 and 677
UPDATE table_name SET pid=102 where pid=677;
repeat this for each table that has data then:
DELETE FROM `patient_data` WHERE pid=677;
Once you delete pid=677 any data that you may have forgotten will be orphaned in the database. This is not especially harmful but does slow down the database.
If another patient is later assigned pid=677, then any data belonging to pid=102 that was not changed in this way will show up spuriously on the pid=677.
innocuous wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:
changing date format does not work
I added
$Globals[‘phone_country_code’]=‘44’ to the globals.php file
but it is still accepting only mm/dd/yyyy format
sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:
$GLOBALS should be all upper case. You want to change the existing line that sets it to ‘1’, not add a new one.
– Rod (
innocuous wrote on Thursday, November 03, 2005:
there was no existing line!
I had also entered the $GLOBALS in upper case
Still doesn’t work
sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, November 03, 2005:
If you don’t have the line in globals.php then your OpenEMR code is not recent enough. This was a fairly recent addition.
– Rod (
nzimas wrote on Sunday, March 26, 2006:
None of the subsequent posts in this thread answers the 1st one
I’m still wondering how to delete a patient… impatiently.
nursejeff wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:
I need to ask this question again please.
We are using OpenEMR version 4.1. How do you delete a patient put in twice due to human error.
Thanks again.
Jeff Guillory Jr.
NP Health Clinic
rpl121 wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:
Another way to “delete” a patient: change last name to Error. These error patient records can be recycled.
Ronald Leemhuis MD