docw wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:
It appears I’ve inadvertently deleted the LBV tool from my list of lists. I was cleaning up after creating some forms, may have gotten too quick with a delete button. Is there an easy way to restore it?
docw wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:
It appears I’ve inadvertently deleted the LBV tool from my list of lists. I was cleaning up after creating some forms, may have gotten too quick with a delete button. Is there an easy way to restore it?
fsgl wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:
If “Layout Based Forms” with the names of the forms had been deleted, both will be gone in lists_options. Both can be recreated if you are able to remember the names of the forms.
If the forms had been deleted in Administration/Layout, the forms are not likely to be in layout_options either.
Backup should be an intergral part of any customization.
docw wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:
I was creating some forms to see how it works, but in cleaning up I deleted from the Administration>lists the item labeled “Layout-based Visit Forms”. I had not created any forms I need to recreate, but may wish to create new in future. Making a New List called Layout-Based Visit Forms does not appear functional. Or, I don’t understand how the function should work. So, I’m not in need of recreating forms I made, just getting the Administration>lists back to populated as it was originally installed.
docw wrote on Tuesday, August 18, 2015:
I was able to recreate the list and forms capacity. Like so many things in computing, it is simple once you figure it out.
visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, August 19, 2015:
Hello Ben
Just run the following sql query into the database (Note: Delete the list you have created through the Interface):
insert into list_options values('lists','lbfnames','Layout-Based Visit Forms','9',0,0,'','','');
This will create the ‘Layout-Based Visit Forms’ functional list. Then you can create the forms inside that as usual and it will work as intended.
OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc | Phone: 408-850-2243
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library
docw wrote on Wednesday, August 19, 2015:
I deleted the Layout-Based Visit Forms item in the Admin>lists
Using PhpMyAdmin, I browsed to lists_options and issued the Sql query
insert into list_options values(‘lists’,‘lbfnames’,‘Layout-Based Visit Forms’,‘9’,0,0,’’,’’,’’);
I get the error
#1136 - Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1
I had gotten the LBVF working by setting it up manually, using lbfnames as the id, fields showed up on my encounter forms as Layout-Based.
fsgl wrote on Wednesday, August 19, 2015:
It’s even fun.
While you are customizing in Demographics, backup is crucial.
Very easy to nuke the entire application with a single false move there.