Happy New Year everyone.
I deleted Clinical Rule Target intervals by accident, it is under Admin > lists >clinical Rules Target Intervals, where I find the log for the deleted table and how do I restore it. Thanks.
Did you delete few entries or deleted the complete list?
If you had not added 1000s of entries, easiest solution may be to look at specific lists in demo or your test installation and recreate it in affected installation.
If you must do the updates mechanically, search in openemr/sql/database.sql file used to create and populate database. Edit a copy of it and use the copy to update database.
Final option will be to look at your old MySQL backup and selectively restore the entries in the table. You want to look at ‘lists’ table - master entry in ‘lists’ list and all entries in ‘rule_target_intervals’ list.
Thank you for your time. I deleted the whole list from the drop down menu. I looked at the demo and recreated the list again. I didn’t add anything to it, so it was easy to create. My question is, deleting that list will it cause a Break in the data? or when it was created back, it will not effect anything? Thank you again for helping?
Only break posiibility is if list id column (created when you typed new list name) is not matching. Just review predefined rules from admin menu and see that intervals show up correctly.