Just want to let the development community know that we are looking to make the final cut for patch on April 22nd. If you’ve had any Pull Requests merged since release 7.0.2 please double check and verify that your commit(s) have been merged into the rel-702 branch. If it hasn’t been merged in, please create a pull request off of master into rel-702 so we can get your fixes in. We’ll be checking ourselves, but there’s no guarantee we will catch everything.
We’re unlikely to take any more major features into the patch at this point in time (although if you give one of the admin’s the right incentives perhaps they can make that happen lol). There’s a couple of PR’s currently being reviewed in the Queue that may make it as we are working through them. Anything not finalized by Monday will be pushed out to the next patch.
Obviously we reserve the right to push the deadlines if there is any unforeseen bugs or serious security issues discovered.
Current plan is to have about a week of testing and only bug fixes will be brought into the patch. At that point we are currently slated to release the patch the last week of April.
Note the patch will be released at that time as well as updated docker images, the AWS image updates typically trail that by a few weeks.
We thank every one in the community for their support and contributions (both code, documentation, and financially).
Standard procedure has been to create a new demo machine with the latest patch. You can test on that, or if you’re savvy on deploying code from github you can grab the patch code yourself and apply it on whatever test environment you would like.
i did a PR a couple of days ago - a minor fix to improve the print function in visit history - PR #7359
i’m not sure how to ‘create a pull request off of master into rel-702’, to see if it can be included in the patch - could you please point me in the right direction,
The best way I’ve found for this is to wait until the PR has been merged into master and then cherry-pick it in from a branch based on the rel-702 branch.
Here is a sample workflow. I am basing this on the openemr/openemr repository being setup as ‘upstream’ on your machine and ‘origin’ being setup as your forked repository on github. If you are using different names then adjust the process for your setup.
# make sure we start on the master branch
git checkout master
# bring in the changes from the openemr/openemr repository's master branch which includes my merged PR commit
git pull upstream master
# now grab my local rel-702 branch
git checkout rel-702
# make sure I'm up to date with the openemr/openemr repository's rel-702 branch which does NOT have my merged commit
git pull upstream rel-702
# create my own local branch in case something goes wrong and I can work off of in my PR
git checkout -b rel-702-<name-of-my-cherry-pick-branch>
# now grab the single commit that includes all of my squashed/merged changes in the master branch
git cherry-pick <commit-hash-of-my-merged-pr>
# now I can test to make sure the release-branch has my changes and that my code doesn't rely on other code that hasn't been pulled in yet
# once I feel comfortable everything is working, I can now push it up to my forked version of openemr represented by 'origin'
git push origin rel-702-<name-of-my-cherry-pick-branch>
# now I go to my repository on github and do a PR request, I make sure that the branch in the github PR is NOT master but rel-702. I then submit the PR.
Let us port this so we can ensure order. I’m a bit concerned of possible conflicts before or after.
After @adunsulag approves some pending PR concerns, I’ll bring everything back to production unless he does.
Due to some of the reported bugs in the last few days on the forum we’ve decided to push the patch release out. Our current plan is to do the release sometime in the next week instead of this weekend. We apologize for any plans others have made but as an admin team we feel it is important to get these bugs fixed before we move forward with the patch release.