Dead in the water - Upgraded Can't Log in

drjccaldwell wrote on Tuesday, September 04, 2007:

After upgrading from to 2.82 cannot log in. The following message appears. I have been through globals file a hundred times. I have added "admin" "pass" to the database. Please help I cannot figure this out and my paperless office is quickly becoming a paper office.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function xl() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/openemr-2.8.2/interface/login/login.php on line 54

This line in question reads:
<td><span class=“text”><? xl('Username: ',‘e’); ?></span></td>

Clif Caldwell

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, September 04, 2007:

Be sure to also upgrade interface/globals.php.  You can’t just copy it from your old distribution, you have to re-apply your customizations to the new one.

But why are you upgrading to 2.8.2. instead of 2.8.3?  Email me privately if you want someone to do this for you.


drbowen wrote on Thursday, September 06, 2007:

Dear Clif,

Frequently the last line is not the most important one.  Look in the logs for the last 5 lines before the crash and copy those here.  Usually these lines will appear in:




This varies from distribution to distribution.

Also you may need to change the amount of detail of warnings and errors in php.ini to allow more verbose reports.  This usually renders openemr not very usable but helps dramatically in terms of debugging things.  After the problem is fixed return to your usually logging level.

Sam Bowen, MD