If your question is where to put the DEA number for the doctor, you will need to log in as admin and the user tab will allow you to add or edit physician info, where you can put all the relative info. --hui
I could not get DEA number to show up on Openemr 4.2.2 even I entered the DEA number in user profile.
I tried the above methods but no success.
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['claim_file_dir'] = "/usr/share/freeb/public/";
//currently can be pdf or txt
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['default_format'] = "pdf";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['username'] = "freeb";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['password'] = "12345";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['print_command'] = "/usr/bin/lpr";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['printer_name'] = "HP_LaserJet4L";
// This does not seem useful for PDF HCFAs, see freeb/targetbin/ascii2pdf instead:
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['printer_extras'] = "-o PageSize=Letter -o portrait";
// Set this to make an additional copy of HCFA PDFs in the specified directory,
// e.g. for an external billing service. You must end this path with a slash:
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['freeb']['copy_pdfs_to'] = '';
//used differently by different applications, intuit programs only like numbers
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ofx']['bankid'] = "123456789";
//you can use this to match to an existing account in you accounting application
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ofx']['acctid'] = "123456789";
//use FL for FLORIDA compatible format, leave blank for default
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['format'] = "";
// Document storage repository document root. Must include a trailing slash.
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['documents']['repopath'] = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documents/";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['documents']['file_command_path'] = "/usr/bin/file";
//Name of prescription graphic in interface/pic/ directory without preceding slash. Can be JPEG or PNG, normally 3 inches wide.
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['logo_pic'] = "Rx.png";
// Name of signature graphic in interface/pic/ directory without preceding
// slash. Normally 3 inches wide. This filename may include the string
// "{userid}" to indicate the numeric ID of the user, so that prescriptions
// can print with the correct provider's signature if you have multiple
// providers. Also signature images are used only for faxed prescriptions,
// not printed prescriptions.
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['sig_pic'] = "sig.png";
//Option to used signature graphic or not
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['use_signature'] = true;
// To print the prescription medication area on a grey background:
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['shading'] = true;
// only works with hylafax sendfax client, and sendfax must be in PATH
// assign 'sendfax' to turn fax sending on
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['sendfax'] = '';
// asign a value here if there is any prefix needed to get dialing tone
// you can also append a comma to add a one second delay
// i.e. 9, will dial 9 for external tone, and wait a second.
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['prefix'] = '';
// Similarly for bottle labels if you are dispensing drugs. Note that paper
// size here or for prescriptions may be an array (0, 0, width, height).
// As above, these measurements are in points.
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['paper_size'] = array(0, 0, 216, 216);
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['left'] = 18;
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['right'] = 18;
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['top'] = 18;
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['bottom'] = 18;
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['logo_pic'] = 'druglogo.png';
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['disclaimer'] =
'Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription. ' .
'Use only as directed.';
// Accounts Receivable support. Use one of the following numeric values:
// 0 = None
// 1 = Using SQL-Ledger
// 2 = A/R internal to OpenEMR (recommended)
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['enabled'] = 2;
// If 1 is chosen above, then the following must be set correctly:
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['server'] = "localhost";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['port'] = "80";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['url'] = "/sql-ledger/ws_server.pl";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['username'] = "unused";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['password'] = "unused";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['url_path'] = "http://" .
$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/sql-ledger/login.pl";
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['ws_accounting']['income_acct'] = "4320";
//don't alter below this line unless you are an advanced user and know what you are doing
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['logo'] = dirname(__FILE__) .
"/../../interface/pic/" . $GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['logo_pic'];
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['signature'] = dirname(__FILE__) .
"/../../interface/pic/" . $GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']['sig_pic'];
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['logo'] = dirname(__FILE__) .
"/../../interface/pic/" . $GLOBALS['oer_config']['druglabels']['logo_pic'];
$GLOBALS['oer_config']['documents']['repository'] = $GLOBALS['oer_config']['documents']['repopath'];