We have been working on a “dated messaging” system (initially suggested by tmccormi), if you look at the top right of our demo screen, you will see a “send a dated reminder” button (this button is also above the calendar.
- Username : dem_doctor
- password : pass
Click the “send a dated reminder” button, a message dialogue will open, select the relevant options and click send this message. Try sending one to yourself to see how it works.
Click on calendar to see your dated reminders.
You can link these reminders to a patient (e.g. if the reminder is to follow up with a patient, you will need to get to the patients contact details) simply open the patient as you normally would and click the “send dated reminder button” and fill in the message details and send.
In the message (in the calendar screen ) you will see the patient’s name and clicking on his/her name will open his/her file
To forward this message on, click the forward link, select the new recipient and click send (this does not remove the message from your own message list).
Once the task is completed, click the “set as completed” button to remove the message from your message list.
This system will display a maximum of 5 messages over a maximum of 5 days.
Features :
non-invasive (auto-hides messages if none are due or overdue)
flags due and overdue messages in red
only displays next 5 messages at a time
only shows next 5 days messages
doesn’t delete messages, flags them as processed (better for auditing) will add a history screen
send to any user (including self)
has a priority setting
link to patient
sorts by date then priority
To Do :
add support for mulitiple recipients
get popup for select patient working
improve security
get code to meet OpenEMR standards
Hope this system comes in handy, please send us any feadback.
The best way to submit code for testing/review is via git/github. Here’s a link to a tutorial to setting up a OpenEMR git/github repository and submit code for testing/review: http://open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Git_for_dummies
Looks like it’s going to be REALLY useful dude!
If you decide to continue with development and start adding nifty options to it (more date range possibilities, recurring dates, fuzzy dates like “first friday of the month/quarter” and all that, it will be a real turn on for some ladies I know wink wink.
Looks good. Could you add the choice of “One Year?” I often send reminders to myself that a patients PSA or Thyroid test is due in one year.
No Problem, going to be implementing date range options as an array at the top of the file for easy alteration
recurring dates, fuzzy dates like “first friday of the month/quarter” and all that
These would be great features, but for now, we are focusing on the dated message part for our first release, will definately consider fuzzy dates for the near future as I can see the merit in them.
OK Craig, I have been confusing the old message system with the dated reminder. (Sorry, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.) I’m sure that has made my comments confusing in turn.
Two comments:
1) Can the dated reminder function and message function be combined?
2) The ability to send “reminders” TODAY would be quite useful and would allow the reminders to also serve as messages.
Ahoy everyone else. While you are playing with the TajEmo EMR demo, be sure to play with the “intelligent” SOAP note. As they say down the road a piece in Mayberry, “Shazam!”. Craig, how do you feel about this as a contribution to OpenEMR??? I love it!
The demo is really slow tonight, but then it is raining here.
I cannot get the patient’s chart to open by clicking on the name in the header reminder. Browsers tried: Rekonq and chrome on kubuntu and MIE8 on wndows XP. Am I holding my mouth wrong?
OEMR Board
I suspect that the slowness of the demo is in part coming from the 10 second periodic refresh and their demo server can’t really handle the additional load. as more of us are checking things out.
Can the dated reminder function and message function be combined?
Been looking into this, I can’t see why not, all we need is a category in the message system, then have the message saved to the dated_reminders table (or perhaps have the dated reminders look at the messages table)
I cannot get the patient’s chart to open by clicking on the name in the header reminder.
I see it is not working at the moment, will look into it asap.
I suspect that the slowness of the demo is in part coming from the 10 second periodic refresh and their demo server can’t really handle the additional load. as more of us are checking things out.
cheers, I have set it to 1 minute refresh intervals, the 10 second is nice, as messages come through almost instantly.
This is pretty neat. My first impression was that it seemed to overlap the Messages module. However, this feature does seem to add a new dimension and don’t see a need to try to combine it with the Messages module. I’ll wait other opinions on this before I do an extensive review of the code.
One thing to consider, though, is to move the Reminder widget code from the Calendar to the top of the Messages screen (so, will have a “Reminders” section followed by a “Messages” section on the Messages screen), which seems more intuitive, keeps it still centralized (part of the Main Screen) and will also make the code easier to secure (from sql-injection and cross-scripting attacks).
Agree that the messages and reminders serve different functions. A nagging gripe I have is that when I read a message, I should be able to click on some icon in that frame and be taken right to the patient dashboard. Is it possible to steal that snippet from Craig’s reminder code for transplant to the messages code?
The third tier of “intra-office” communication would be the possibility to send an IM to a logged in user, e.g to the nurse “flu shot rm 2” or “see lab orders” (wish list).
There is also code in the billing module for click thru to both demographics and the encounter… as well as the collections report for clicking through to the EOB posting screen …
Tony www.mi-squared.com / @tonymi2 oemr.org / @OEMR_org
I am open to suggestions, moving it to the messages screen would be simple enough, but wouldn’t it be defeating the purpose of having it appear in-front of the user with no need to go “looking” for messages ?