Date/Time error in rel-700 when using 12 hour format

After re-basing using the newest version of rel-700, I found issues when creating encounters if I am using 12 hour format. Surprisingly I haven’t seen any mention in the forums about this . When I look at the code I see the following:

So when we pick a date we get either ‘am’ or ‘pm’ in the time slot…

Then when the encounter is saved we get a garbled date:


Even when I look at Master I see the same value of ‘true’ for the datepicker_timepicker.

Also, looking at the html I see the following: we are sending the hout minute and am pm in the file too:

When I checked the demo, the demo doesn’t have this bug. This makes me think that maybe I have a weird setting on my computer or this is truly a bug.

If it is a bug I will report it, but if this is a mySQL setting that I am overlooking I’d like to know.

Its also very possible that I am not good at searching for things :slight_smile:

Hi @growlingflea , it was fixed earlier this year.

There is still a bug. Try it with an AM time.