I’m from South Africa and am trying to customize the emr application for physicians locally. Problem is I do not know how to customize the languages, ethnicity and race in the stats section when editing patient demographics or when adding a new patient. Can you help please to change info to what is relevant here at home. Thanks
The 2 options for Ethnicity, Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic, was an invention of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, a U.S. federal agency, for the purpose of Meaningful Use. On the 2010 U.S. Census form, there were many more categories to choose from.
If the items in Race or Race/Ethnicity are not useful, adjust the Lists to South African standards. Under Race/Ethnicity there is no listing for Afrikaner and the Black listing is rather non-specific and inadequate.
There is no reason to adhere to U.S. standards.
Keep the ones you want, delete the unwanted and add the needed.
Thank you guys. My question was for pull statistics from the application. If at the end of the year or month the physicians would want to see were most of his clients comes from, which demography, he will be able to see whether the bulk of his patients were african, brown, asian or white and could than organise his business accordingly. Thats it.
Thanks Pieter
Remember: Health is not about Black or White it is about health-condition, whatever this may be. So the Demographic results can have a huge impact for the health care. Partly because Ethnicity is playing it’s role as does Race.
Please keep us updated of the results of your statistics and how you did improve OpenEMR to get the results you wanted and the difference you got.
(May be fsgl can jump in: There used to be a menu option to find the different groups that are clients of the Office active and inactive clients with a differentiation into Rac, Ethnicity or disease. I could not find it back for sure, but it could be under Insurance and indigenous.)
With the Administration => List => future I could even change State to Provinces and remove all US states and replace it with the names of the Provinces here at home. So a couple of changes needed to be made to make it relevant to my country. So it help alot.
I have seen propriety software with not nearly as much funtions as with openEMR. Its nice to twist and tweak something to ones own tast.
That being said - could you help with another please? I want to edit the layout of the edit facility form. I have tried layout but ca’nt see anything and tried list as well as languages for terminologies. Nothing.
You will have to get into the codes to change the layout of Edit Facility. I don’t know how to do that. Let us know what is it that you want to change and we will try to come up with a work-around.
Back to work as a general Practitioner is hardly a sad duty. I was in Holland to receive our fourth grand child in good health. Great experience. Nothing sad to say a prayer for, specialy not for me. Please say a prayer for all those who are less fortunate than I me.
Congrats Pimm on the arrival of your grand child. May our good Lord bless him/her with a blessed life. We had lots of rain last night into the early morning and at such times I think of those on the street and wish I could do more.
FSGL you were right. I had to get into the code in the user group directory to edit the facility_admin.php file. It worked.