Customize new encounter

Hello guys I need your help

I have 2 problems

  1. I am trying to modify the new encounter area, I want to remove the item: In collection, but I couldn’t remove them
    I do it in the interface admin/Config/encounter_form.
    I select in Show In Collection on Encounter Form hide on new and edit form but the item does not disappear from the new encounter form

The only modification that is generated is that the word d-none appears, next to the: in collection box, as seen in the image:

How else can I eliminate this space?
or in which interface should I turn it off?

  1. Another modification I want to make in this area
    I would also like to know where the option is to hide the space, billing facility, because I did not find it in the admin/Config/encounter_form. interface


I already solved it, I leave the answer in case anyone has the same problem.

in admin/Config/billing interface: Hide Billing features and check the option