Custom red billing note

merlinsilk wrote on Monday, September 14, 2015:

Somewhere else I had found a useful little feature to add a note, in red, to the billing widget.
Enter ‘Billing’ in the third user defined when editing the demographics Who tab in Layouts, and enter a text in the 4th and you get a red not with that text in the billing widget.
Is there a way to customize that or is this a quick and dirty hack that made it into the official distribution?
Thanks, Merlin

fsgl wrote on Monday, September 14, 2015:

Another way to have a Billing Note is via EOB & clicking on patient’s name instead of the invoice number.

There should be a path to the .php file just above the dialog for customization.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, September 15, 2015:

Hi Merlin,

This was a quick hack that found itself in the main codebase. Note there is interim code out there by Art to convert this hack into a better feature:


merlinsilk wrote on Sunday, September 20, 2015:

Thank you so much!
Wondering, as this is a quick hack, will it disappear in the future - if so, then I will discourage the staff to use it.

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, September 20, 2015:

Hi Merlin,
It won’t disappear, but if Art’s code gets into the codebase at some point, then it will be “migrated” to a more clear feature(the billing notes will be copied to a new field).

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, September 23, 2015:

oh yeay, thanks for the reminder, I had started polishing Arts billing update and then … squirrel.