Custom Medex Module

Hii, This is Anagha. I am working on Openemr web portal for past 3-4 months where we are trying to develop an Ios App with Openemr as the backend. I have always found it very interesting.
I recently came across Medex functionality. Just wanted to know whether if we develop our own module like medex can it be interfaced with openemr?
Can the whole medex functionality be replaced with our own functionality similar to it?
Please guide me with this.

Hope you are safe and doing well,


It is possible to replace the functionalities with your own modules.
Based the module you chosen the integration can be done through code customization.


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Like all interface projects, it depends on what you are planning to do. If you treat emr as data storage for structured data, use REST apis. You can add new ones as needed to standard project. On the other hand if you plan to provide your data residing outside emr for use within standard emr, you will need to add/modify emr code.

Since MedEx code was added, the project has evolved. So suggestion would be to use current features to their fullest extent rather than using MedEx as template.
If you explain your design in couple of sentences, @sjpadgett and others can point you to current useful apis for starters.

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Alright sir, Thank you for the help. We will look deep into it

okay… Thankyou for your valuable guidance. I will discuss the same with my team.