Hi guys,
I am trying to setup an openemr environment based on docker. My ultimate goal is to use it for my wife’s mental health clinic.
What I am trying to do is to follow the simplest docker guide from the forum to setup the 3 containers (mysql, phpmyadmin, openemr (standard/dev/flex)). Current status is that:
- mysql by default uses caching_sha2_password authentication method unknown to mysql components used by openemr:
PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password] in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/library/classes/Installer.class.php on line 1240
PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/openemr/library/classes/Installer.class.php on line 1240
1.1 how to fix - fastest (but not optimal ) is to downgrade mysql authentication method to mysql_native_password
- after 1.1 openemr is able to connect to mysql, however it is unable to proceed with db setup:
ERROR IN OPENEMR INSTALL: Unable to execute SQL: create database openemr character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci due to: Can’t create database ‘openemr’; database exists
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: ERROR: unable to execute SQL: ‘create database openemr character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci’ due to: Can’t create database ‘openemr’; database exists
2.1 it indeed exists, as it is created by openemr…
To sum it up - the setup is currently not working out of the box as I hoped it would. I would appreciate getting some help/having it fixed so that we could work with the system itself and asses if openemr works for my wife’s clinic.
Thank you,