CSS not loading and can't login after new install

Hey folks! New user here. Trying to get my dev environment set up. After successingly running the local install as week as:

composer install --no-dev
npm install
npm run build
composer dump-autoload -o

When I go to http://localhost/openemr/interface/login/login.php?site=default below is what I see. I have verified those files/paths exists on the openemr folder, so the files are there. Also, when I try and login with my admin user, I click the button, but nothing happens.

I was able to get this working. The issue I had was that I had the app installed at ~/apps/personal/openemr, and had a symlink in ~/Sites that pointed to that folder. When I moved folder to the Sites directory, it loaded fine, so the symlink was the issues, but I would like to know why.

Any ideas why the symlink was causing this to fail?

Just a guess but most likely the apache vhost configuration is not setup to allow SymLinks to be followed. Your apache configuration has to specifically have the FollowSymLinks directive setup.


@lumbee please re-run below command and check again

npm install
npm run build
composer dump-autoload -o

Thanks all, Iā€™m good. I think Stephen is right that you have to explicitly configure symlinks in apache and that is the issue. Thanks!