How much $$ is needed to get OpenEMR certified for Stage II? I was thinking we could start up some crowd funding such as a Kickstarter Campaign / GoFundme to try and get donations from the world especially when they realize what this software package is all about. I would be interested in creating the funding page, but would obviously need input from creators and location of where to send the money. The best way to push would be to create some youtube videos talking about the program, for everyone to create a link on their facebook / twitter pages. Maybe contact certain foundations directly (bill & melinda Gates / Buffet / etc…)
I am talking about reaching beyond the community anyway. For instance in order for me to see what is going on in with OpenEMR I need to log into Sourceforge to see what random topics people are talking about. We need to expand our funding pool to the millions of people in the US not just the few thousand that are in the know. I think more doctors would be on board if they knew this was an option… a viable one.
This is the primary reason I am going to the OSEHRA conference at the end of the month. We must expand our reach beyond the small audience we have here.
There are, easily 10,000 OpenEMR users worldwide and on a few dozen people that participate on this list.
Your quest is admirable , but if everyone who posted the “random topics” would contribute , we would show the world you are looking towards for funding, that we (the community) are passionate about the great product we (the community) use. My observations are that the code is supported by less that 5% of the listed vendors and I would venture to say the same might be said about funding. What ever happened to taking care of our own first?
I am by no means suggesting that your quest is not needed but we (the community) need to lead by example.
If we (the community) don’t support the funding initiatives, why should any one else.
Just my thoughts , not trying to be argumentative. Just a poor hillbilly who does not understand.
Excellent!! I googled it because I am not familiar with OSEHRA. What types of people attend this and do you have a list of the companies presenting or with booths?
I agree with you however I don’t want the lack of internal donations to be a damper to potential future donations. My quest isn’t admirable it is selfish. I am about to convince my family business to make a donation (I am merely a Mechanical Engineer that has been the IT guy for a Small Podiatry Practice for several years), but the true root of OpenSource is Grassroots/Community support to create something no individual could ever achieve on their own. You all have done a great job over the years with developing the software and building a community. I would like to help in continuing to push the agenda. I think Practice Fusion is an awful model, and I think the new software pop-ups are purely taking advantage of the Government mandates that are being slapped down on all providers. So we need to become a bit creative in our fundraising approach. People are more willing to donate $1 when they know it’s a good cause that can benefit them vs. donate $500 for a great cause. $1 is nothing anyway questions… anyway you see where I’m going. Also is OpenEMR registered as a Not for Profit?
Not sure if this works to respond from my actual email, but thought I would
try anyway. Excellent!! I googled it because I am not familiar with
OSEHRA. What types of people attend this and do you have a list of the
companies presenting or with booths?
From: Tony McCormick [] Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 5:08 PM To: [openemr:discussion] Subject: [openemr:discussion] Crowd Funding?
This is the primary reason I am going to the OSEHRA conference at the end
of the month. We must expand our reach beyond the small audience we have
There are, easily 10,000 OpenEMR users worldwide and on a few dozen people
that participate on this list.
I wonder if there are really that many OpenEMR users. Sourceforge is a site for technical people and most downloads are by these people to play with.
I notice that some of the OpenEMR vendors also have their own certified version of OpenEMR. I have seen 4 such versions. Maybe this is why the community version is not getting much support?
I agree Jerome!! There are a lot of people using the starting point of OpenEMR to build their own software which they turn around to make a profit. We really have to make OpenEMR itself stand out and trump these private companies. We can even look at adding revenue streams through the website, but not from the product…