this discussion is to be about the processing of credit cards from within the OEMR application.
I have been working with the SDK’s from, and Paypal.
The sdk is working and a payment can be processed to completion meaning the client is returned the application.
My thinking was that this would be a standalone function that the front desk could use the process patient’s payments and manually enter the payment as the do now. They just would not have to leave the software to process the payment.
It has been suggested that the return deducts the payment from the patients balance automatically.
Could some of you heavy weights that are out that chime in on this conversation so I can get some direction? I know that some of the vendors out there aready have this working. I will be releasing a community version.
Selecte Fees to see the integration so far.
Login creditials are on the screen. The is the only one that works all the way through. Testing cards are below and any expiration and ccv code will work.
Number Card type
4242424242424242 Visa
4012888888881881 Visa
4000056655665556 Visa (debit)
5555555555554444 MasterCard
5200828282828210 MasterCard (debit)
5105105105105100 MasterCard (prepaid)
As you had mentioned in your statements, the ‘Stripe Credit Card’ screen will be handled by the front office person. Won’t this be a security issue from the patients perspective as the patient will have to disclose their cvc number and other confidentials details. The other possibility to achieve this without any security elapse could be to integrate a ‘credit card’ reader within EMR which will scan the details and asks for the pin, which can be asked to enter by the patient.
Spoke with a physician about this an he has reviewed the progress thus far and he raised no security concerns about the staff typing in the patient card information at this time.
However, it seems to me that this is a false alarm since the front desk has to get alot of information from a patient anyway like there name, address, ss#, living relatives, children, and so on. If there was a risk, well it starts there. 8^)
It has crossed my mind about the card reader but this more programing and more support needed. Right now just trying to get the basics out of the way.
Agree about that, Sherwin. This is not security issue that SW has to deal with, only the office manager Be sure you aren’t storing credit card information on the users system or you will need to be PCI certified.
The java script for the take care of all the card processing. There is no card information what so ever stored in the emr at any time. The information is encrypted into a token and sent away via secure socket layer.
The testing is going great. It has been a whole week and there has been no problems processing payments.
We have another beta tester starting this Monday out of DC. He will be using a card swipe to transfer the number from the card onto the screen.
He had this from the last online processor he was using.
Thanks for the support Tony. (keeping it friendly)
Can’t believe it has been two years since this was started and here we are again reviving this topic. @sjpadgett
I have gotten most of the old code updated and entered into the new code base.
The demo server is The standard admin pass to login.
I still have a lot of code cleanup to do. But the basic functionality is working and the cosmetics are fixed to a point.
Once logged in select a patient, then select fees then stripe. Follow the prompts from there. Card numbers to use.
I like it very much. Unsure if all the verification is necessary and may turn patient off but still nice. For portal would most likely work out using an iframe modal.
All of the verification is not needed for the portal. There is a shorter version because, in the portal, the patient would just be putting they card number on file for the practice to use later. Stripe uses a token system to store the information so no card number is stored on the EMR so we don’t have to be PCI compliant. What is PCI Compliance?
In the portal, it would only call the Stripe overlay where the card number is entered validated and tokenized.
What you have seen so far is for the in-house use of Stripe.
So you don’t want portal to process the payment just collect card and send to admin for processing? Or are you speaking to requiring patient put card on file for future use during registration?
It’s not me, that was the previous request. If an active patient is logging in to check their balance and make a payment. Then, they should be presented with a screen to enter in the amount they wish to pay and be prompted is it a co-pay or a payment on the outstanding balance. Once they enter that amount in, the second presentation of the amount they put in is standard practice to give them a chance to back out or change the amount entered then pass that information to Stripe to be posted and process.
But for new patients, the feature of having them to file a credit card or bank account assures the practice that the patient has a way to pay for services.