Credit card button not showing on Payment page

I searched the code base and could not find a GLOBAL cc_front_payments.
Am I missing it somewhere?

When I removed that, the button now shows and works.

Are you sure that in Globals → Connectors, following was checked?

I promise you that selection is not in our codebase. I checked the demo, it is not there either.

The demo site.

I forgot to bring this feature forward from 5.0.2 patch to v6.0.
I ported to v6-dev and also v6 release for patch 1. [29cc30b]

btw: in next week or two will add the POS Verifone P400 terminal.

@sjpadgett From what i read online, the Verifone P400 will no longer be accepted by stripe come October 1st, 2024. Are there any plans to modify the POS payment module to accept the current stripe terminal offering?

Terminal card readers: end of life status : Stripe: Help & Support.

Much appreciated,