Creating horizontal menu

krishkam2610 wrote on Friday, August 29, 2014:

Hi everyone,

i needed to create a horizontal menu instead of left menu, which i have successfully created, now a problem has emerged out that when i try to remove left menu frame in main_scree.php by using the <?php include 'left_nav.php' ?> for calling menu on the screen in horizontal on the top, it comes out with an error displaying ‘Site ID is missing from session data!’ can some guide me what and where needs to be worked upon and changed if required?

mdsupport wrote on Friday, August 29, 2014:

Before left nav you need globals as in all other scripts.

krishkam2610 wrote on Friday, August 29, 2014:

Thanx for reply, but there is already globals in every script. More to mention i would describe the problem as when i use Frame or Iframe the site id problem doesn’t appear, but when i use php include, it does. By using frames or iframes for the menu on the top creates height problem, the submenus remain hidden under the frames. that’s the problem, also by using php include almost all menus work correctly except the demographic, encounter etc…Can you help me further on this as to how this should be resolved?

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, August 30, 2014:

Could be directory issue. Change include to require.
Also in your problem statement you are using frames and iframe interchangeably. There may be HTML issues with that.
Finally, you may be better off hiding or frame width=0 but not eliminating left_nav. It is the glue that holds other components together. You can always use jQuery to copy entire menu structure from left_nav and make it horizontal in main_title.

krishkam2610 wrote on Saturday, August 30, 2014:

I tried with your suggestions, I checked directory issue and could not find any issue with that. For the jQuery to copy entire menu structure i am using bootstrap javascript for getting menus workable. I think the solution is entirely different from what so far have tried with. Using frames hide the submenus within the frame and without using frames create site id problem, encounter problem on the main_title.php. I am attaching screenshots to let you have more precise understanding of my problem. I am overwhelmed by your keenness to help in this regard and i really appreciate this. thanx

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, August 30, 2014:

Now it is bit clearer.
You can find who is giving site id message from FireBug or something. But bigger issue would be this. Use of iframes/div_phpinclude will get you bit further before you run into application logic where individual components try to control content in other frames by making calls to left_nav. The techniques used are not consistent. So if you have limited time/money for this, you stay within frames.

Problem with main_title or another menu frame is html does not allow the content from one frame on top of another frame except for its basic display elements such as select lists. That is why your menu content gets cut off. Scroll bar for menu is not practical.

Only solution that has worked for us in the past on a limited basis is we hid the menu and put entire main frame within an iframe and offered menu in another iframe that floated above the emr iframe. That was a bad fix for a really obsolete design!

Best luck.