fachry-my-id wrote on Sunday, May 29, 2016:
How to I create reminder for practice doctor? E.g. during the one day and doctor only able to serve patients as many 10 people. how to create reminder?
And how to doctor access drugs avaibility?
fachry-my-id wrote on Sunday, May 29, 2016:
How to I create reminder for practice doctor? E.g. during the one day and doctor only able to serve patients as many 10 people. how to create reminder?
And how to doctor access drugs avaibility?
visolveemr wrote on Sunday, May 29, 2016:
Hi Muhammad,
Greetings from Visolve…!
Regarding your question, if I have understood your question right, remainders for physicians restricting to patients cannot be configured.
The schedule for a provider or availability based on time can be configured within the calender. This helps in scheduling appointments within the availability time of the provider. There are no remainders by default in Emr to restrict to certain number of patients.
On encountering a patient, the doctor can add prescription by using the prescription option on the right of the patient demographic screen.
To view the available drugs, the doctor should access the inventory module that is present in the left side menu in the openemr screen (make sure inventory is enabled under administration).
This can also be checked from the feesheet. To get this "sell both inventory and products " should be enabled in inventory under administration.
Please check and let us know if this answers your question. Kindly get back if you have further questions on the same…
Thanks &Regards,