Create patient after import


IT consult

have installed openemr 5 without problems and create patients without error but when
I import patient data from open emr version 4 to the new 5 (has over 20000 patients) I get below error, do not know what to do if you want to access my phpmyadmin I send to email …

ERROR: insert failed: INSERT INTO patient_data SET pid = ‘32078’, date = NOW(), title = ‘’, fname = ‘Nuhad’, mname = ‘Yaseen’, lname = ‘Jasim’, pubpid = ‘285131’, DOB = ‘1990-11-11’, sex = ‘Female’, ss = ‘’, drivers_license = ‘’, status = ‘married’, genericname1 = ‘’, genericval1 = ‘’, genericname2 = ‘’, genericval2 = ‘’, billing_note = ‘’, street = ‘’, city = ‘’, state = ‘’, postal_code = ‘’, county = ‘’, country_code = ‘’, mothersname = ‘’, contact_relationship = ‘’, phone_contact = ‘’, phone_home = ‘’, phone_biz = ‘’, phone_cell = ‘009647701241234’, email = ‘’, email_direct = ‘’, providerID = ‘’, ref_providerID = ‘’, pharmacy_id = ‘0’, hipaa_notice = ‘’, hipaa_voice = ‘’, hipaa_message = ‘’, hipaa_mail = ‘’, hipaa_allowsms = ‘’, hipaa_allowemail = ‘’, allow_imm_reg_use = ‘’, allow_imm_info_share = ‘’, allow_health_info_ex = ‘’, allow_patient_portal = ‘’, care_team = ‘’, cmsportal_login = ‘’, imm_reg_status = ‘’, imm_reg_stat_effdate = ‘’, publicity_code = ‘’, publ_code_eff_date = ‘’, protect_indicator = ‘’, prot_indi_effdate = ‘’, industry = ‘’, occupation = ‘’, language = ‘’, ethnicity = ‘’, race = ‘’, family_size = ‘’, financial_review = ‘’, monthly_income = ‘’, homeless = ‘’, interpretter = ‘’, migrantseasonal = ‘’, referral_source = ‘’, vfc = ‘’, religion = ‘’, deceased_date = ‘’, deceased_reason = ‘’, guardiansname = ‘’, guardianrelationship = ‘’, guardiansex = ‘’, guardianaddress = ‘’, guardiancity = ‘’, guardianstate = ‘’, guardianpostalcode = ‘’, guardiancountry = ‘’, guardianphone = ‘’, guardianworkphone = ‘’, guardianemail = ‘’

Error: Unknown column ‘genericname2’ in ‘field list’

/htdocs/emr/library/ at 999:sqlInsert
/htdocs/emr/interface/new/new_comprehensive_save.php at 70:updatePatientData(32078,Array,1)

Can you please share the procedure that you have followed to import patient data?


i login to my server phpmyadmin then i chose data base and then click on export , choosing patient_data and export to zip file …
I tried even to open patient_data and click on strucktur then chose these _ id_ name _ mdname_lname and phone then brows and export them . even there i get same issu.