I am trying to upload the CQM_VALUESET by following the link and kept getting the UNSUPPORTED database load!
I have downlaoded all the XML that is sorted by the CMS ID and still kept getting the error message. anyone can provide me with an alterntive link other than this one Value Set Authority Center.
Please note that I do have access to downlaod the documents but still facing the same issue.
@stephenwaite Thanks for your support so first I need to uplaod the zip and then set this into the table via SQL terminal. please correct me if the steps are wrong.
@stephenwaite thanks for your support, the php script was updated and I was able upload the CQM value sheet. But the data is not reflecting in the search bar.
@stephenwaite Thanks for your kind support, the scripts where updated based on the gihub latest update, I am able to view CQM valuesheet.
I noticed one thing when I reviwed the Master class and updated the scritps the facility clinicn name displays in blank screen when I try to add or edit.