I am Looking for Instructions on how to add the CPT II Codes into OpenEMR manually. We are running I have read several of the other discussions regarding this. I understand that I may need to edit custom/code_types.inc.php script but I could not find any script information to add. I was hoping with the new version it would be setup under external data load (Administration > Other) similiar to SnowMed or RxNorm, however it was not. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Depending on the size of the CPT II file you could do several things. Make a Script to import (the most secure import method). Do a SQL file import, or the only one I can handle is a CSV-file.
If you can correct your CPT II file in MS-Excell or OpenOfficeCalc and convert this file into CSV (Comma Separated Values it is rather easy).
If you want instructions I could provide if needed, and the HOWTODO can not be re-traced in the OpenEMR-WIKI pages.
Method 1. Activate the CPT II codes in Administration => Lists Code => Types
Go to Administration => Codes look into Codes => “CPT II Performance messages”.
or method 2. If you want to use other CPT II Codes you have to Add another CPT II in Lists, activate in Codes and fill in manually.
I just activated these steps in the Open-EMR V.4.1.2 Demo they will be gone after reset of the Demo tomorrow.
To use a batch type of import of Codes you have to access the MySQL database (Administration => Other => Database) through PhpMyAdmin. (I can only help with CSV-file import after making step 2)
I asked the same question in 2 other threads and awaiting a precise answer.
Ideally the CPT-4 import should be as simple as with the other data sets mentioned in your second reference. The CPT-4 section in that Wiki article needs updating.
If the purchased AMA data set has been unzipped, is it a .sql file that be imported into the tables? If it is, then one should be able to place the file into a contrib/cpt4 folder, go to Database and import into codes.
One reason why the External Database Import Utility was not constructed with CPT-4 as an option is because it is not free and therefore cannot be seamlessly imported like the other databases.
When I get the answer pinned down, I’ll post it here.
It seems that I’m behind the times because the latest edition of CPT is 2014, not CPT-4.
A very nice explanation of the 3 categories of CPT can be found here. CPT category II codes are basically the PQRS codes.
On the bottom of the page for the purchase of the CPT 2014 data set is this note: “There is no search application—data files are designed to be used in any database, spreadsheet or other application that accepts a text (.txt) file format; check with your data processing professional to ensure compatibility”.
That means that the .txt file has to be converted to a .sql file and then it is possible to import into the tables. So another reason why the CPT codes are not listed in the Import Utility.
What is a reliable open source or freeware Text to Sql converter? How good is OpenOffice Base and is it easy to use?
Ideally, at some point somebody will code the method to import from the original package that you purchase/download into a separate mysql table (ie. external) which is how the ICD9/ICD10 new import mechanism works(so pretty much just need to replicate what was done for ICD9/ICD10). Somebody just needs to code/sponsor it. So, at this point, if want all the codes dumped into the codes table from the downloaded/purchased file, perl script (linked in above wiki article) is still the only current script that does this that I know of.
A number of practices in the U.S. don’t import the entire data set because a lot of the codes are not revelant to our specialty. Cverk, who is in Internal Medicine/Family Practice, didn’t either. I also dislike the idea of data occupying space and doing nothing.
Folks in the professional support community provide the data set as a service to their clients and then it is up to the clients to pick and choose the codes to use.
I have never done a CPT import but thought, like you, that this knowledge would be a helpful addition to Brady’s article, because this is a recurring topic in the Forums and the replies have been rather nebulous. I’ll do the addition as soon as I get some more info from Steven.
Hi Steven,
Kindly recount in detail how you import the CPT data set into Administration/ Other/Database.
Did you use OpenOffice Base as the .sql converter? If you did, was it easy? If not, what did you use?
The Method I used was provide by the user Pieter W.
Activate the CPT II codes in Administration => Lists Code => Code Types
To use a batch type of import of Codes you have to access the MySQL database (Administration => Other => Database) through PhpMyAdmin. => Import
Unfortunately the .sql that I mentioned in Reference #3 was incomplete and placed into a different CPTII database set. So I deactivated that database set in Code Types.
I then manually entered each one under Administration => Codes
I set the Type to CPTII. I Then Entered the Procedure Code followed by the brief description and clicked add as new.
Kim Weesner’s .sql file covered only the Category II codes, which is something that I just realized. He would not be able to post the entire set because it would represent a copyright infringement. But calling attention to that file gives me the idea of experimenting with it in one of the Demo and see how the Import function in Database works.
The Category I codes are rather extensive and it is not something one would want to undertake manually, unless one is content with just the codes specific for one’s specialty.
I am working on how to import the entire data set, after purchase from the AMA, in this thread. Once I get it sorted out, hopefully I will be able to insert it in the Wiki.
I only covered the Category II codes that the HMO’s I deal with wanted. I use these codes everyday and has allowed me to report screenings, blood pressure, LDL, etc. to the HMO’s for pay-for-performance and PQRS measures sent with my encounter data. I send through Office Ally and all codes are passed through to the payor.
If you need more help just post.
I have few diagnosis code Which i give Patient most of the time ex: Sugar Test, Blood Pressure,LDL,FSH, i have list of 20 to 30 Test. Its take lot of time to search for Code from ICD.
Can u pls tell me the procedure how to upload Manually step by step, so i can use in my daily bases.
I have my own laboratory for 20 to 30 Test available, I dont want to send the Test Manually. I am using 4.2.0
do you want to connect a Diagnose code with Procedure test?
do you want to do the procedure test with implementation of result afterwards and get a warning it the results of the tests are out of range?
do you want to have a printed piece of paper with the test to be done?
Or is it even something else you want to accomplish…
Please make an attachment with the 30 tests, preferably as a spreadsheet. Importing the tests into Procedures is easy. Follow the relues stipulated above on importing.