CPOE for imaging

popo999 wrote on Thursday, January 19, 2017:

Hi. I’m tyryng to setup OpenEMR for a small practice. I manually added imaging CPT codes and descriptions for imaging. When I try to order an imaging procedure i am able to search for and add the diagnosis code, but when i try to search for procedure CPT codes it doesnt find any. Any suggestions as to what i’m doing wrong? Thanks.

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, January 19, 2017:

Can you post a screenshot of where you are searching?

popo999 wrote on Friday, January 20, 2017:

i have an acitve patient open. i select Administrative->Procedure order and i get the screen 1. When i click the Diagnosis Codes box a seard window comes up and i can search, find and select ICD codes. When I click the desired entry box above it i get screen 2 search window, but when i type the procedure code or description it doesnt find any of the CPT codes the administrator has added.

popo999 wrote on Friday, January 20, 2017:

this image is the search window that returns nothing when i enter a valid imaging CPT

popo999 wrote on Friday, January 20, 2017:

here are the codes that have been added by administrator that i would expect to find when searching and trying enter an imaging CPOE.

visolveemr wrote on Friday, January 20, 2017:

Hi Paul,

We appreciate your effort in setting up and working with OpenEMR.

The screen that you have shared is specific to Procedure orders related to Lab. (Orders that need to be processed through labs)

Within this, you can search procedure orders that is defined within the lab procedures. You can add this type of procedure orders under Procedures -> Configurations.

The diagnosis code represented links to the lab procedure that need to be processed to lab.

Hope we made this clear. Let us know if you have any other questions.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

popo999 wrote on Saturday, January 21, 2017:

thanks very much. the screen has a drop down box at the bottom right and allows the choice of “imaging”, and the title of the bottom row on the left is also imaging. If this isnt where a physican orders an imaging study in OpenEMR, then where do they do it? thank you very much for your time.

visolveemr wrote on Saturday, January 21, 2017:

Hi Paul,

  The "Imaging" drop your refering too is the place where you have a list of options to which the lab orders can be placed.
  Once the relevant one is selected, the same gets added to the procedure screen so that the user can add the relevant procedure as per the items selected in drop down.
  Please refer the attached image for more details.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

popo999 wrote on Tuesday, January 24, 2017:

Thanks very much. I think i’m clear up to the point you describe. but when i click the imaging entry box (top red rectangle in your screen cap), a popup window opens and allows me to search for a CPT to order (2.jpg in my earlier post). When i search for CPT’s it never finds any. Even CPT i know the Admin has added to the system. Thanks again, i really appreciate your time.